Hey guys, my gamertag is WhiteEhh...fews weeks ago i made a Canada flag on blackout and it turned out really good. Here's the link to my file http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=111657700 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/fileshare.aspx?player=whiteehh <<<<< link to my file share for other signatures any thoughts?
Its so godly, everyone is saying that it was modded. Thats pretty damn godly. Also, Im from America and I would DL that. Once again, pretty damn godly.
Really nice flag pic. Clean neat and surprisingly a nice and straight maple leaf. Btw, your other sigs are awesome too. Great job
Lol, it was posted a week ago, right around the 1st of July. Ya know, Canada Day? Agreed that it's awesome though, very well done. Are you planning on doing any other flags?
As much as I hate Canada I do have to admit that that is really well made. It looks you painted it or something. Its really good quality. Your other sigs are just as amazing too.
Lol. This is the internet. It doesn't matter when it was posted. It only matters when I looked at it. Mahhh!