Deep Atlantis Created By: smm2010 & x DREAM 76 x Supported Game Variants: Battle Tracks, RaceTracks, HardCoreTracks Recommended Players: 8-12 Deep Atlantis is our new track forged in the skybubble. Smm2010 has worked his magic once again. Since we had such great success on the last project that we worked on together, he asked me to do the theme and aesthetics for his amazing new track. I really enjoy doing aesthetics, and it has become one of my favorite elements of creativity and the forge. We hope you like the theme and the crazy banked waves and insane turns! The ending has a nice jump right before you reach the big crane. We just want to thank the party who helped us test the map and take some pics. Comments and feedback would be appreciated! Thanks again, and we hope you enjoy our new track! Deep Atlantis Frozen Atlantis Atlantis HC
Once again, great job! I am always looking forward to play new racing maps, especially ones made by you and smm2010 But for the overview pic you should consider taking of the FX so people can see better
Amazing! The racetrack looks so smooth and clean. That is key in a track. I also really liek the asthetic features of the map such as the towers and the flags near the finish line.
This looks like a pretty beast map. I don't normally look at Battle Tracks but this one looks like a pretty cool one. I especially like the towers scattered about; it gives it a "mystical" feel for it. Seems pretty sweet, man. 5/5 if you ask me.
You have always amazed me Dream on your perfect race tracks, All of your tracks look awesome but this one just looks even better. This track however seems to be longer then all of your previous tracks, Is it longer? Anyway keep building those tracks your one of the best their is making race tracks on halo 3.
honestly Dream, your race tracks all look/feel the same. banked turn after banked turn, SHARP TURN, banked turn, ending man cannon, even the same filters! I do like how all of your race maps are consistently smooth. However i do suggest you mix up your tracks, instead of having your aesthetics be off to the side have them BE the track, that would make for a better twist and a lot less of the same "monotonic" gameplay
Dream didn't build the track; he did the bordering and scenery. I built the track, and unfortunately it's my last BT track. Glad you guys like the map.
still think that the aesthetics should be incorporated INTO the map not just off to the side. Like have a tunnel that goes through a sea monsters "mouth" like back in the days of diddy kong racing and those mario kart games. judging by the amount of quality maps you posted im sure you wouldnt have any trouble of making the aesthetics part of the map. bro no need to get defensive, i am simply stating what i have seen in your tracks and what you could do to make them better. it really isnt THAT hard to take constructive criticism. and i dont know ANYONE that doesnt like having cool aesthetics on their race tracks to race through. once again, dont flip out on me just cuz im trying to help with your map and future ones
It is easier said than done. That is why you don't have any tracks to offer. The available forge pieces are the available forge pieces. I can't turn matter into gold bars. I didn't make the track. If you would have read the summary, you would have realized this. A banked wave is a banked wave. Smm is a pro at making them. Until you actually try to make one yourself, then you can't really understand your hollow comment. As for the aesthetics being off to the side, this is to keep them partially out of the "lines of sight", during heated games of Battle Snipes & Lasers. So they are out of the track for a reason. Thanks for the comment, I guess.. As for everyone else, thanks for the awesome comments so far guys! Smm and I are proud to release this last project before Reach comes out! I am sure we are going to collaborate again in Reach!
Now lets see if this one gets linked in a Bungie Weekly Update too. -.- Another great map, nice work smm2010 and Dream. I want to see you guys make a theme-based racetrack together, before Reach comes out. That way you could call it original. On that note, I agree with Fry, except in a more general manner. I know I say this on every racetrack, but you HAVE TO BE ORIGINAL. I completely agree with Fry's comment, and I believe he's right too. I can flat out say right now that this track is bad. Sure, it has amazing banks (great job smm) and pretty good aesthetics, but it's the same as any other track in that it doesn't introduce any new aspects to racing. And at this stage in Halo 3's life, being original is more important than ever. This map is just yet another iteration of banks and a jump or two. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you guys make in Reach.
You can flat out say that this track is bad? What the heck are you talking about. I wish people like you would stop with this whole you need to be original crap. This is the way it is. No one is going to be original anymore. You all are spoiled brats. You all want something that can't be done. If you want something more original, then make your ideal track yourself. Until then I am done trying to please your complaining, whining, cynical, redundant comments. Good day sir.
You've got a poor imagination, but at least you're making maps! Look, I'm going to be a prick on this one, but what you're saying can't be done, can be done. You've got the most experience building race-maps, so you've got the best chance of making something great. You can build them superbly well, but I and others that have commented to this affect want to see a different design. That means you gotta rethink the whole design scheme in general. Those are my two cents, I'm out.
It's called constructive criticism. Deal with it. Well, I can because it is. If you had actually read my post, I complemented the map first , before criticizing that it isn't original, and it really is just another set of well built banks and turns. You're stuck in the past, and that stuff can be done, and it already has by a few people. Racetracks used to be rated on an even scale of originality, gameplay, and aesthetics, but now, originality is weighted more, simply because of where we are in Halo 3's lifespan. If you can't accept that people will give negative reviews if you don't adapt to the community's wants and needs, you shouldn't be making maps in the first place. But since I know when you post a map, all you want to be told is that it's awesome and it's perfect. So, this map is awesome and amazing and perfect and better than anything else. Does that make you happy? This.
You do realize this is a racetrack, right? There's not really much else to add in besides turns. You should be glad smm2010 is skilled enough and took the time to make the track as wavy and smooth as it is. Flips, jumps, ramps, and other things don't ALWAYS work on a track, but the map still contains a jump anyway. Be glad for what the map has in it. If you don't like it, you don't have to download it. On to the map..... What can I say? I'm as amazed as always. Once again you have made the smoothest and nicest looking track around. Also made for Battletracks! There really isn't anything to improve on that I can see. 10/10
Dude, I am done with you. I have been done with you since we played the live Reach Beta and all you did was whine and complain about every aspect of the game. Other people in the party even muted you because you were so immature and annoying. Just like when you joined my BT lasers game a few months ago and you kept running around lasering everyone and I had actually stoop as low as to boot you out of my party. You say I can't accept criticism? You are kidding me right. You know that I can accept REAL criticism. To say this map is bad, is not real criticism. You know I am smarter than that, so don't insult my intelligence. The map is what it is. SMM did a great job IMO and I did what I could with the available pieces that were left over for the aesthetics. I didn't like you new Frog Hop map at all. Did you see me go to your thread and spam it up with immature and harsh comments. No. I don't even know whey I am wasting my time stooping to your level. I just wish you would just get out of this thread and go play some more MW2. Do us all a favor. --- I have a poor imagination? That's about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I actually think I have a rather good imagination. I have had a few issues with you in the past. I don't know why you decided to come to the race forum for the first time and post this garbage. If you think you can do better than SMM and I, then go for it. Until then your comment is just a hollow attempt to make me feel bad. It didn't work. I like the track and a lot of other people do. This is what racing is. If you want to see "something new", then go forge it and show me what you got. Until then don't even waste my time.
Well, thanks for a least being civil about it. Your probably correct, I could do better and I didn't reach my potential. It's just really hard for me to get motivated with Reach so close. Making a track takes a lot of time and my time has been fairly limited lately due to my job and other summer activities. SMM makes some great tracks and I could not turn down his offer to do the aesthetics. I am happy with the map. It's just another fun track for the collection. That's the way I look at it. It stinks that my name is so well known now, that if I don't produce the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen, people tend to be a bit let down. I will just say this, if forge is as good in Reach as it is in Halo 3, then you will see my true potential. I will make some incredible themed race tracks. That's what i like to do. Themed maps with lots of crazy aesthetics. I probably won't be making anymore maps in Halo 3, simply because no one will be playing Halo 3 anymore once Reach ships. Until then, we will just have to hope that Bungie does a good job, and gives us the tools we all need to make some amazing pieces of artwork. Thanks.
That's all I wanted. I wasn't insulting you or anything, I just stated that people like themed maps and that's what you should make. I think you took that the wrong way. :/ Edit: I'll go back and quote my own post so you can realize you completely took it the wrong way and are overreacting. Stop flaming me just because I criticized your map.
As Dream stated earlier, sometimes things are easier said than done. Constructing racetracks, let alone Battle Tracks maps, take up the majority of the object limit in maps. ^^^ This is the reason why the idea of putting a lot of aesthetics as part of the track is nearly impossible, unless you make the track extremely short. Indeed this could be done, but once again it all depends on the quality and length of the map. It's possible it could be implemented in a short tournament track, but since Dream and I mainly build BT tracks, it is highly doubtful that something of that great of quality can be implemented into a Battle Track.