Sorry I realized I posted this in the wrong section of the forums. It should've gone in halo reach discussion. i can't seem to find a thing to delete this post with Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere else. Anyway Bungie's new update gave us a rundown on the specs of the new (but new in a sense old) racing gametype. I'm not exactly sure how they're doing it, but you spawn directly in a mongoose. A new checkpoint system (unlike Vip) does not change destinations when someone rolls over it but instead all checkpoints work like a VIP destination for each and every individual player. I'm guessing you can set it up to decide which checkpoint it would be so people follow the specific order made until they reach the finish line, to then start over. I think this is very exciting because race map designers won't have to assure that the teleporter/grav lift/weapon holder/destination is cheatproof before they can release it to Forgehub. If you happen to fall out of the map. The game will reset you to your last checkpoint. Also there is land mines you can forge in. If Bungie was trying to find a way to thank the community, Racing has to be a good way to say it. I'll be real excited to see Race become a Double Exp Weekend gametype where they take some of the best Racetracks made by the community and put it on the playlist. Good times are ahead. In other news, while they have already talked about weather changing in forge. They said the lightning storm weather looked so good "That Thor would be impressed." Bungie said they had a lot more to reveal and they would promise that it would be just as jaw dropping as everything they showed off so far. With all these hints I bet Bungie's next bombshell will be all about Forge and Custom Games. They've done nothing but leave us in awe with every other Reach announcements. So what could Bungie have been cooking up besides just a new gametype. How will Forge be improved? What do you guys think?
Here's the exact words from the weekly Update From all that Race sounds pretty sweet, as do land mines.
They spoke about inclement weather, they did not specify that it would be in forge. You're being too hopeful.
That Thor quote I think was referring to the gravity hammer, not literal thunder and lightning as a weather effect. Well that's what I thought when I first read the weekly update. Let me check. Thor, God of Thunder. Thor's Hammer? Gravity Hammer with more SFX? That's just what I thought. Anyway, my point is they weren't saying weather conditions will be changeable in forge.
At 4:52 in the link below. Okay he might not have said forgable weather. But he did say they ARE changing the weather in maps YouTube - Lars Bakken (Halo Reach Multiplayer) Interview Firefight 2.0!
He meant that the weather/time of day is different between the campaign spots and the multiplayer maps based off of those exact spots. So you will actually go by Overlook or Powerhouse in campaign, but at a different time/ different weather/ different texture. Also Race was shown and briefly discussed in a Vidoc a very long time ago and full gameplay was shown on Boneyard. Months ago....
yeah but the details for race were so slim then if even inexistent. And apparently you didn't catch the fact he said "Turning them on and off"
I didn't see the game play video but hopefully we have the option to play 1stperson in vehicles in races. And me personally I hope they steer more realistic not just point and accelerate.
Since racing is usually indigenous to Mongooses, I wonder if he's not just talking about the boost from a Ghost? Maybe it's like a zip track from Mario Kart/Diddy Kong Racing/F-ZeroX/etc... It would be really cool to be able to place those in race tracks.
I think he meant that a mine that exploded near him pushed him towards a checkpoint instead of knocking him offcourse.
I'm hoping where not forced to mongooses only imagine been able to have warthogs or any vehicles (even flying ones, Sky Hoops anyone?) specially with the option in reach , NO TURRETS meaning driver seat and passenger only. Only reason I used mongooses was because it didn't have a turret, Anyway even with turrets and invincibility, I could go on forever I'll let you guys come up with some ideas . YouTube- Halo Reach beta gameplay (Race) In this race video the mongooses look a lot better! Also Judging by the "crap" Driving the steering is more complicated then point and accelerate!!!!! My dreams for race's are coming true I hope. My guess is something like RT to accelerate LT handbrake A Break RIGHT ANALOG turn left/right LEFT ANALOG lean left/right.