All opinion based. It looks like you started this list as of a week ago. If I recommended to you every good map that word doc would extend to at least 10 pages. And to be honest, a few of the maps on your list are flat out awful. Honestly, don't even attempt this.
Actually, just a few hours ago. I'm looking for new good maps, I've already played the old ones. Which of the ones on the list aren't good?
If I say I'm sure a couple immature members will have to come to the map's rescue and be like "NO YOU" so I'm not even going to point them out. I really think lists like these are rather dumb, but if you're that set in having one, just PM me. I can recommend you to a place with a good map search feature. You'll like it a lot
TBH I'm with multi here, and I was this close to reporting this thread on account of stupidity. If i had a list of theb50 greatest maps of all time, none of these would be on there. While they are good, none of them are spectacular.
Before anyone else flames. He is clearly asking for opinions on good maps. Nowhere does he say it's a definitive list, he did not state "GREATEST" just "great" as in, suggestions of maps to play. Use common sense.
Features Section and ForgeHub Favourites (as well as FHF Nomination Threads) are the best source for Maps in my opinion
Still to opinionated, but i guess it really doesn't matter cause no one is gona vote for the same maps (still some of the featured maps blow). Dude if i were you id just frequent the site, oh say once every 2 days and just take the time to look at threads and see if there are good maps. Thats what i do anyway.
I would say they are a good source for awesome maps but not the best source. Tons of maps get passed and looked over over the years and then again, it's the opinion of the staff that gets the map front paged. I could give you some of my favorites if you like for small or big games. Did you want more casual games or competitive or a mix of both?
You can't really go wrong looking here if you want community opinion, though we reject a whole lot of them, most are quite good
youre missing tons if mlg maps are included, such as pipeline, oasis, ignite, and surreal when it comes then competitive, maybe multicog
Lol yeah, but they are missing one of the best of all time because it wasnt posted here. Hexogen, the circular MLG custom rendition of Narrows, minus the spawn camping. I wish i had a link, but the creator removed it from his fileshare. See if youve got a buddy or something with it most likely. It was hella famous for a while, and still is.