Forge Hub Epic Sandwich Contest 2 Welcome... However ridiculous you may think this sounds, this is a serious competition, and spam/shenanigans will NOT be tolerated. Put your food crafting skills to the test and eat healthy at the same time! You will have until New Years Eve to submit your entries, late submissions will not be accepted. Users will then vote on the sandwiches, judging on: Presentation: How the sandwich looks/layout Taste: If the sandwich would taste good or not Description: Giving a pleasant description of food is always important Rules: Submissions only! Non submission posts will be reported for spam. To discuss the competition, go HERE You must have a Description and List of Ingredients You must have Pictures of the sandwich in your post, use a picture hosting website like photobucket. Your post must be Serious, don't take the piss please. Entries consisting of a "peanut butter sandwich" or something like that are not tolerated. The sandwich must be a creation of your OWN. To verify, you must be holding a little sign with your Forge Hub account name on it in the photos of your sandwich. just scrawl it on a piece of paper will do fine. No google image search please... Sandwich must not be bought from Subway or any place like that, MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK! Cheating isn't cool y'all, Karma will get you. Submission format: Description: "This sandwich will tantalise your taste buds blah blah blah" Ingredients (Please be honest): Ham Tomato Avacado Watties bit on the side satay sauce etc etc.. Pictures (3 max) and remember you must have a little sign showing proof of sandwich crafter's identity: So what are the prizes? Well, not a lot lol. The winning sandwich crafter will receive a cyber gold medal, and you may possibly see your work mentioned in some of the front page updates. The most important prize however is the joy of competing with your fellow hubbers and that warm damp feeling of crushing them in victory, I'm sure you'll agree. Heavily ripped from Mastar's original and inspirational thread of old
Ham sandwhich Ingredients include: Sliced Ham Cheese (Melted) Light bit of Mayo White bread toasted on one side. This delicious sandwhich is the perfect balance of om and nom every ingredient complements each other perfectly to bring out a delicious of flavour unlike any other sammich ever. Tasted good btw. I would like to take a moment now to thank my great sponsors Tritton who have generously provided ingredients for the brand new Str8 Loln [sup]TM [/sup]sandwhich!
I worked at a Sandwich shoppe for 5 years through high school and college, so I find this very interesting. Description: This is my version of "The Itis" inspired by an episode of "The Boondocks" I created this during one of the many fun filled custom nights with nondual. I explained this heart attack to all the people in the game, and I posted the image, taken from my cell phone, on his customs facebook page while we were playing about a month ago. (They can vouch this is MY original creation) Ingredients: My original version consists of: -A plain bagel sliced in half and toasted (then slathered in the drippings mentioned later) -A "Rob" burger fried(1/2lb Ground beef 80% lean, one egg, ketchup, mustard, bread crumbs, and a secret blend of seasonings) -Two slices of crisp thick sliced traditional smoked bacon -Sliced whole grilled onion (cooked in the drippings of the burger and bacon) -Jack cheese (Melted over the bacon, onions, and burger) -And Philadelphia Cream Cheese Images: This is the only visual memory that remains of this monstrosity: Here is the facebook post: MMmmmm mmm goodness... [my neck was literally throbbing after I devoured this] Cant wait to see what everyone else comes up with!!!
*Please note that I am not trying to take the piss of this contest. I just always aim to humor.* The Pigwich Description: Sick and tired of ordering a pork sandwich and only getting a tiny slither of meat? Well worry no more since Masta Sandwich Industries brings you this limited time offer. For only 5 easy payments of $15 we'll give you our new sandwich; the Pigwich. The Pigwich features an entire pig stuffed between 2 slices of bread for you to enjoy. Our pork is so fresh that some people say it's not even dead yet. This 99% fat-full treat may way a ton but boy does it taste good. But that's not all, if you can finish this sandwich we'll give you your money back. That's right all your money back. So why wait any longer, dial 0800 PIGILICIOUS and order your Pigwich today. Masta Sandwich Industries does not take any responsibility for the bread being eaten by the pig during delivery. Ingredients: -2 slices of bread. -a whole pig -a pinch of salt
Super Awesome Holiday Sandwich Fun! Description: This is a delectable Christmas like dessert sandwich. Ingredients: Oreo (Cookie Part)(1) Marshmellows(5) Gingerbread cookies (2) Pictures: In the beginning Assembly before microwaving Covered Microwave for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, squish. Om Nom Nom it!
Description A RedNeck's lover. May explode during consumption, will cause lead poisoning. Please eat responsibly. Ingredients 3 pieces of whole wheat bread 10 12 GAUGE, 3 DRAM EG, 1 1/8 OZ SHOT, 7 1/2 SHOT Shotgun shells 2 O'Doul"s Non-Alcoholic Brew Edit: ...wait, does this fall under the catagory of shenanigan? Because I didn't mean it that way at all, just aiming for Masta.
Description: Diz's Epic Awesome Sandwich of Awesome will make your mouth water purely at the sight of it. The garlic compliments the summer sausage and will leave you wanting more. Just try to stay away from people after you eat this; may leave a wretched stench in your mouth (hence garlic, sausage, and cheese) Ingredients (Please be honest): A Garlic Bagel (sliced thin) 4 Slices of Summer Sausage 4 Slices of Marbled Cheddar 2 Slices of Smoked Provolone Perfectly spread Mayonnaise WITH a tall glass of Peach Orchard Juice Picture: Doesn't that look tasty?
Here comes my yummy triple decker cheese and onion toasted sammy. Step 1. butter the underside of a piece of bread and stack plenty of cheese and onion on it. Step 2. put a piece of unbuttered bread on top and stack that with cheese and onion. step 3. Put on a lid with butter on top and place in the sandwich toaster. Top with tomato sauce and cut into triangle halves. Yummy. PS I know I'm a bit late but I don't care.