Ive been trying to figure out what the "Barren wasteland...or is it." part of Sandtrap's description is supposed to be leading to, because many of you probably know about the Davinci eggs, but I'm pretty sure thats not supposed to mean anything, because from what I know, thats kind of like how humans need DNA, like a blueprint, thats also why people have said it spawns those bombs when you go into the outer zone, near the guardian's towers(remember its not actually the towers doing this, its the "eggs").
I thought this idea was done. "Da Vinci" eggs are just the alphabet diagonal. It dosen't mean anything.
Umm.... its not the eggs either its an event barrier set up all around sandbox and when inside it the bombs are triggered to go off anywhere within a certain distance of you, randomly, until you die. And i think that part of the description is just to play with peoples minds. I have looked at the code, and there is nothing hidden there that you cant find on youtube.
this may be slightly off topic ish but it is too do with sand trap. would you reckon that sandtrap is an older, more sanded-ovver snadbox? because if you look, the big cliff dunes are on both the maps, and there's gaurdian towers on both
No, they are unbeleivably similar and sandbox is based heavily on sandtrap. But there is no actual relation between them, except that they are copies of the same thing in different locations.
It's a Map description, Bungie just added anything, none of the other Map descriptions in the other Halo games made any sense
There was a HUGE thread on this a while back which lead nowhere. I think the final verdict was that Bungie just put it there, maybe as a placeholder which they didn't remove. @LD, The danvinci eggs shoot lazer beams like on sandbox actually, when you are invincible (not set by the gametype) such as when you are in a vehicle that is on a forge monitors hand, and you go into the mine field, lazers are shot at you, but they don't kill you. I think they also found something out about if you glitch/mod an elephant out there, it shoots at that, can't remember.
It's a barren waste land...or is it. No it's not because there are fully operational elephants, weapons and vehicles, as well as computers Spartans and Elites. Solved.
Thats the sandbox guardian tower that has a larger killzone around it.. It has a splatter medal on the front a little bit below the "eye" of the tower. Also.. to the main OP, I suggest you reading up on the bungie forums of the secrets of Sandbox. It's all reference to the Bible and linked with certain chapters. From the name of the UNSC cruiser flying above AEGIS 417 or something means Chapter 4 paragraph 17. Which leads on to talk about the leviathon and behemoth monsters of the land and sea (the two elephants are named Leviathon and Behemoth) and then later mentions a bird large enough to block out the sun called the Ziz (Which is most likely the crashed UNSC cargo ship half buried as that transports the elephants into combat) And the Ziz is described as able to carry the beasts after a massive fight under a large mountain dune (The large sand dune as described previously by someone as being on both maps) It also has a mention of a large sword (the shape of the towers are like large energy swords) and it also mentions a crow bar or has some similar reference to it and if you look closely underneath the largest tower, in the basement, theres a crow bar. The map has just been given a lot of references to the bible, thats its biggest secret.
That is quite interesting, but i heard somewhere that the so called "zis" is actually called an Albatros. Don't think that matters though
Stupid thread is stupid. The map description calls Sandtrap a barren wasteland because that's exactly what it is. There is nothing behind it. If the second or third post in this thread finalizes everything by saying he actually went into the game code and found out there was nothing secret, why are you all still discussing this?
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Exactly, i already stated that the point trying to be made is a flawed point based on flawed logic.... Just let it die, please?
¬_¬ Clearly no one read what I put. The SECRET of sandbox. Is that the ENTIRE MAP IS REFERENCED ON ONE SPECIFIC CHAPTER IN THE BIBLE! THAT IS THE SECRET OF SANDBOX! And to the other guy who actually read that.. Yeah, its the albatross that is the Ziz, although other people have suspected that if you act out the scene from the bible something amazing will happen, but... they fly the elephants using hornets, which isnt the Ziz.. so nothing happens. To put it bluntly... EVERYTHING you see on sandbox, has a specific reference or relation to a paragraph in the bible. Just because code isnt there, doesnt mean the secret isnt there. Only, it's not a secret now because some guy spent 11 months working it out.