Reach, New Port (Pipeline name change) Reach,New Port _____________________________________________________________ Forged By The Sietanal __________________ You may have seen this map in the previews, eh? Well this is not the preview, this is the release of Pipeline! Ok so this map was made for Rifte Gifle's Invasion Repel, and I think the gameplay came out better than I thought! I have tested it out a many of times, and I am proud to present Pipeline! _____________________________________ Heres the Main Pic: It introduces the Spirit remake! This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 89KB. Now here is the VIP teams base: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 70KB. This is the Spirit, which is where the Covies come out of(ha ha): This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 98KB. The main building, homming the Missle Pods, a rocket, and BRs: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 126KB. The other side of the map with less important buildings: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 111KB. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Warthog 1: 60 second respawn Warthog 2: 120 second respawn Mongoose 1,2,3,4: 90 second respawn Scorpian 1: 150 second respawn(spawn at start:no) Ghost 1,2: 45 second respawn Banshee 1: 120 second respawn(spawn at start:no) Wraith 1: 90 second respawn(spawn at start:no) The Covenant vehicles dont spawn near the Spirit, inside it has two tele's that lead to the vehicles on the outskirts of the map. __________________________________________________ ____________________ After 180 seconds, the map becomes bigger: walls cover the Guardian towers so the map size becomes larger. Note: For some reason, it says nobody made the map, any body know how to fix this? The Marines: The Vip: The Elites: The Zealot: _____________________________________________________________________________ Now for Action Screenshots! The Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details The Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details Give Feedback! And vote for me in the FHF's: Rules: 1. Elites cant use human vehicles, and vise versa. 2. Marines and VIP cant use Covenant weapons. 3. Have fun!
Umm, where's the DL link? Also, the map looks fun! I would DL it if you had the DL link up. Also, does the 4 mongooses work for the map?
Well they worked for Rifte's Map yeah, I guess they do. And the link is up. I uploades more pics so...yeah...have fun. BTW: Its great to have All Elites on one team and All Spartans on another. The map also features drop pods. One already landed, and the other one is falling from the sky, and you do spawn in them!
This looks cool, you should've told me you were making something for a gametype I made though before making a map for it Anyways, that spirit looks great. I can see you put more emphasis on actual combat than I did(you didn't spend all your budget on a ship) by making more buildings and what not for cover and sight blockers. Send me an invite whenever I'm on Halo, I'd like to get a game of this on before I leave for vacation.
Ok, sounds good. Oh, and sorry about not asking you for the gametype. I figured if I made a good enough map, I would ask you, but I kinda forgot! Heh! --- Ok, sounds good. Oh, and sorry about not asking you for the gametype. I figured if I made a good enough map, I would ask you, but I kinda forgot! Heh!
Not bad, looks pretyt desent. Alothough the vechicles do not seem like a good idea on an Infection map because it would be unfair advantaged against to the Zombies.
Oh and this isnt an Infection Map? Its VIP, I didnt know where to post it, so I looked where Rifte posted his map, and I posted it where he did.
Little concern... This looks like a very nice map and well thought out, but i only saw one problem: The Spirit. I'm not talking about it's looks because it seems well forged, but it's weapons and equipment. Their all bunched up in the corner of the ship, and it seems like it could be very annoying for people to try and get the right guns and equipment. I'l DL it soon and try it out.
Ok, now that the DL links are up I'll DL this today, but one more thing.... in the vehicle list, it doesn't say Prowler but I can clearly see it in the pics.
I have forged it,made changes so the gameplay would work properly with the gametype, but i havent uploaded recent pics. I thought to my self after i put the pics on should a delete that Prowler? Because the humans can just load up with rockets and hop aboard the prowler and make a great escape