My Next Aesthetic-Ish Project (Be warned, Toy Story 3 spoilers inside) Okay, so I have decided that my next project will be TOY STORY 3 SPOILER: Spoiler The landfill scene at the end of the movie. It will feature a large conveyor belt, loaded with trash and junk, with man-cannon operated "magnetism" to avoid grinders and such. Then the conveyor will go up, and you will be able to climb a ladder to the switch, which halts the conveyor belt for 60 seconds. At the top will be a large chamber slowly declining down like a vortex, and in the middle is the Incinerator. Along with a "claw" that can be used to escape. So, should I do this? Or no?
If you can pull this off, I will syd backwards. This sounds insane, and something I'd love to try out
Cool, everyone likes this idea. But the question is: Foundry or Sandbox? If I do Foundry, I get the dark, industrial, unsettling atmosphere that the scene has, but space and items are limited. BUT. I also get boxes and dumpsters, which again, give it a more industrial feel to it. If I do Sandbox, I OBVIOUSLY get WAY more space, as well as kill balls for the incinerator, but I also lose the industrial atmosphere. I also don't have as many pallets to work with. What do you guys think? The incinerator is pretty massive and hellish, so Sandbox would be ideal, since the whole chamber is glowing a blazing red with a huge 50 foot tall inferno in the middle. I may also outfit it for an asset-like gametype.
Anyone who's thinking about seeing Toy Story 3, see it. You will love it no matter what age you are. And to Gravemind, you should definetly carry on with this project, I know it will turn out great.