As the title sugests, I might have just discovered the secret of sandtrap, you know the one everyones been looking for. BTW, I am so sorry Testers Guild Members that were supposed to test my map tonight, I am at a friends house, and he doesn't have live, but he has Halo 3. Anyway, if everyone knows where the blackhole on Sandtrap is, I will begin, If not Please Follow this link...Sandtrap Black Hole Alright, so with 2 people on Forge, go to the black hole, and have one person get right up next to it, while in monitor form, then when looking straight at it, an almost mirror type thing comes up, and you can see what the other screen is seeing...Try it out, and give me credit if this is it.... Once again sorry Testers Guild
Ya, that's old news. You can do it on Avalanche as well, and probably other maps. No, if their is a secret on sandtrap, it is a Halo Easter Egg.
I seriously don't think that's the secret. Bungie has a very high reputation and that little "black hole" seems like a mistake in making the map. There's already a thread on this and it actually has a really nice and entertaining lead on the subject.
It's just a glitch, there are holes just like that all over their game that bungie just got lazy patching it up.
No, I know that the black hole has been discovered, but did anyone try looking inside of it, because when you do, you see what your guest is seeing. If THIS has already been done, tell me, but try it first..
interesting.. man i really wanna get my website up now so these discussions can take place there. Il have to look into this. does it work if your over live?
I haven't tried it over live, Im still stuck at my friends house. I will try ASAP, its still pretty cool though, seeing your guests view through a slit.... PLZ CHECK IT OUTZ
It is cool, and interesting, but nothing special, since as stated before, there are numerous other cases of this happening. As for it working over live, I am pretty certain it does with 1 other person in the party, but I can't say for sure. If not, then it is just blank space and stuff if you look through it, just as it looks when there is no body else in your game.
Well if looking through a black hole, and seeing your guests view is not cool or special, then we musta seen everything there is to see...
go into those purple rooms on avalanche and go out and you can see what your partner is seeing at the top of your screen.
It's not that it isn't cool to see, but we've already seen it. It's not new or special, since (I thought) many people already knew about that.
The you seeing what your guest see's is unofficially called a mirror wall. It's an empty spot that has nothing in it so the only thing you see is either all the frames of what you see on your screen stuck there if you're alone. If you're with a guest then you see what they see. If you've ever glitched out a map before they are everywhere.
This mirror thing your talking about happens all the time if your somewhere your not suppose to be this would not be the easter egg. Just go get out of any of the campaign maps and you will see this mirror thing. Or just look up out of halo 3 campaign maps on youtube and you will probably see it in there.
Ya I dont know how I got there, I must have downloaded a map, I think it was a jump map and at the end i ended up in the room and I could see what my brother was seeing. at first i thought my halo3 messed up but after reading this,,,, ya..
The two elephants in sandtrap have names that are references to the bible, behemoth which was supposed to be a colossal land animal that was similar to cattle, and Leviathan was supposed to be another enormous creature, but unlike the behemoth, it lived in the ocean. I truly believe that the 2 elephants have something to do with the secret. I cant remember clearly, but I remember reading somewhere that the person who supposedly created the two creatures (god, and don't go raving that "he isn't real!", because i didn't say he was I'm just saying what I read) ended up destroying them both for a reason i cant remember, which leads me to believe that SOMEHOW you may have to destroy the elephants.
I did this on Snowbound once, I had a modded map and I got in a Shade Turret on top of one of the bases, then I got off in forge-mode and it pushed me under the Turret and into the piece of glass and when I looked down, the glitch occurred.