Sandbox Desert Heights

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    #1 cowboypickle23, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  2. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    WOW. This is by far the best looking map with the best urban style design to it that I've seen on Sandbox. I really like the big ramp that has the columns on the side. Eye pleasing. Great set up and awesome post! DL from me for sure ;)
  3. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Forerunner

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    Not going to lie here your maps are great, but I will never download one because of how cocky you are about your "skillz" in a video game. In review of the map: it has some amazing aesthetic properties I have never seen before such as the benches and the basketball court so I commend you for that sir.
  4. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    not that I am not proud of my map, because I am, but If you got to know me, you would realise that I am probably one of the least cocky forgers out there. If you are calling me "cocky" because of some of the things in my thread, than you must not have fully read the thread. Because if you did read the entire thread you would've read that someone made this thread for me. He wrote all the descriptions and everything on the thread, and he wrote it based on his own opinion of the map. I thank you for your attempt of a useful comment.
  5. Gliese 581 c

    Gliese 581 c Forerunner

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    This map looks very interesting already downloaded it already and ready to explore later on, This piece looks like something from perfect dark { g5 building } and most brilliant place that you made your map in is the skybubble. Ground level not so much. =}
  6. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    The map looks good from the pictures, but when I downloaded the map and looked around the map it didn't look that good compared to the pictures. There isn't really anything special about the map, it's average. I mean some of the interlocking looks good but the map isn't that great. Since ghost merging was introduced to us forgers, it brings down peoples' maps. Some parts of the map looks like you got pretty damn lazy and decided to ghost merge instead of making everything straight and interlocking it.

    By the way, you are cocky. I was in your game once and you decided to be a douche.
  7. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I must say, Cowboy, this map certianly did not dissapoint. Desert Heights is what my name implies (urban... =D) and you stuck to that theme perfectly with its complex close quarter environment that resigns next to its long lines of sight located right outside. Excellent work, cowboy.

    Cowboy? A cocky douche? wtfgtfo???? I don't even...... what?
    #7 Urban Myth, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  8. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Wow man, there is no need for this. I've become pretty good friends with Cowboy recently and he's one of the nicest forgers I know, you must have him confused with someone else. He is very soft-spoken, and I've never heard him brag about his forge skills once, although there's a lot to brag about. And clearly you're only knocking the map because you have something against him, this map is definitely above average. Anyways about the map:

    Super sexy post for a super sexy map I see. Cowboy you did an excellent job on this beast, and I'd say that you should be able to proudly stand by it as something that proves your talent and skill in the forge. The layout is great, and the aesthetics are well done. The high walls, and crowded buildings do an excellent job of giving this map an urban feel. I have an idea of how much time you put into this, and it just goes to show you how dedication can pay off; this map is just awesome. Good job Cowboy, and I'm really looking forward to your next map (especially since I know what it is).
    #8 Mander, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Cowboy is probably the most underated forgers out there, and he's soooo humble about it, it's ridiculous. And by the way, I made the map post.

    Sorry man, but you're an idiot. Cowboy as I said above is a quiet guy, you're either confused or lying.

    Cowboy just ignore this guy, he's only pissy because he can't forge to save his life. I think this map is freaking brilliant, and on top of that it's probably the best Urban map to date. You've done awesome with balancing the power weapons in terms of placement, and the LoS's on this map are unbelievable. I can't tell you how much I love playing objective here; good work man. You're awesome.
  10. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Forerunner
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    Well its about time lol. I wasnt in a rush though cuz i already had it : ). This map is very cool and stands out from most with the aesthetics and the layout that makes it seem like streets in a city like san francisco with the sloping "hillside" effect. I will have have this on my file share foreva!!! COWBOY is not a cocky dude at all, in fact he is very humble.
  11. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    Anyone who says this map is overrated is wrong. I don't think I map this good could possibly be overrated. I downloaded this map from a forger I had never heard of, and now I can't stop playing on it. Even when I have no one to play with, I still just like to run around looking at such a beautiful map. Most aesthetic maps have bad gameplay, and most maps with great gameplay look fairly dull, but on this map, Cowboypickle has done an amazing job of balancing the two.

    In fact, it's so good that I made a profile on this site just so I could post about how great this map is.

    Cowboy, keep on forging, cause this map is great! :)
    #11 BurnNSky, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  12. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    Aftyer playing a couple game son it, heres what I think.

    I really cannot say anything much other that gameplay was great on the map and os was the forging! The flow of everything was really nice. Weapons felt good where they were and so did everythign else, expect for that mongoose, kind of random, lol.
  13. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Hmmm. On one side, I really loved playing on this map. Not liked, loved. 4 (and later 5) -way Free for All was incredibly fun, as was Odball and Team-Slayer. The map obviously looks amazing too: I assume you've seen the screenshots by now? Play the map. It's even better looking. The only thing holding this map back in my eyes was it's size, not because small maps are bad, but because spawning is always more complicated the smaller the map is. Opinons on the map were mixed. Perhaps it was the flamming hot ass-whopings I was handing out, but not everyone was as fond of the map as I. Oh well.



    Defenders recieve the OS and the Sniper Rifle, while the attackers recieve rockets and a bubble shield (which can be very handy on Desert Heights). In slayer (particularly FFA) the players always seem to congregate in the open area at the highest point of the map, near flag spawn. This isnt really a probem because it's very easy to chip grenades up the incline for easy kills. One flag was probably the map's worst gametype because of how easy it was to capture, no matter how skilled the defenders are. The 'flag away' spawns aren't as helpful as I felt they should be, because they remove the attackers from the action. There are also 'shortcut stairwells' in Desert Heights which are helpful to traverse the map, but add the unfortunate side effect of making the map seem even smaller, because it is even faster to travel between areas. There are some Moongoose on the map which reinforce the 'urban' aesthetic, but to say they had a purpose would be ambitious.



    Desert Heights is possible to escape from with buddy jumping in the red area, but it's not easy. There are also two spots on the map where it is incredibly easy to hide: one beneath a stairway, the other on a ledge on the side of the map, which presents a hiding/ camping problem. Because the map is so small, even in 2 vs 2 it is a common occurance for the enemy team to spawn before your eyes, which broke my heart because I enjoyed playing on this map. You broke my heart cowboypickle23! You bastard!


    Like I said, it's a great looking map, even without the items that have been placed on the map purely to make it look good. Basketball hoop. Check. Park benches. Check. Garage door. Check.

    Desert Heights is one of the few maps that is so convincing of its setting that you forget that it is made out of simple items.


    Desert Heights is a small map considering it's budget glitched, but like an expensive wine, you'll notice where that extra money went. It would definitely makes a great team doubles map, and a small FFA, and I can't say that I've played a Skybubble map quite as like it.


    Enjoyment: 7/10
    Balance: 6/10
    Durability: 6/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 8/10


    #13 Transhuman Plus, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  14. forgenarb

    forgenarb Forerunner

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    i downloaded and found a fairly difficult way to get out with a rocket jump, in the attacker's spawn right above the garage-like thing there is a corner,large that you can rocket jump off of to get on the roof, it would be pretty easy to fix, just raise the wall a little bit, or put a lip on it and i wouldn't be able to get out.
  15. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Thanks for the review Scare Crow... Most if not all of your points were backed up with facts in which i have noticed in my own experience of playing it. The only thing that I would slightly disagree with is the camping problem. Of course with camping it always depends on who your playing with, but when testing I really never saw that as a problem. Overall it was a very accurate, very thorough and very helpful review. Thank you!
  16. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I agree in saying that One Flag here is not the best. Regardless that the map itself was practically built in mind of it, it ended up being my least fond gametype. However, I'm sure once you play a few games of Team King or straight up TS you'll feel much better about the map, guaranteed. And I wouldn't go so far to say that the 'stairwells' make the map seem smaller, but rather just provide a much easier route for the flag carrier. The mongooses were never meant to be utilized. They were OLN objects and Cowboy thought that it'd be neat to place them where they are just for the looks.

    Where exactly is this stairway you can hide under? I believe I know what ledge you're talking about, if it's by the building near the sniper/regen spawn, the ledge was placed there as a tactical jump, but I agree it can be used to hide on. However, this map isn't going anywhere such as matchmaking and thus won't ever leave the custom lobby, I don't see why it should be reviewed as critical as an Atlas map per se'. It won't ever be played that competitive.However, I've never experienced a spawn issue on the map, I can't say I understand what you're talking about in that aspect.
    I'm sure Cowboy will appreciate the review as much as I do when he gets around to seeing it, whether or not I agree with you on some aspects I'm glad you took the time to recognize the map and give it a chance. I hope you can see through some minor spawn problems as you claim or hiding spots and play the map casually as it was created to be :)
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    ........Isnt it better to get reviewed as such? By my standards, a seven is nearly feature worthy, so even with an in depth review it is an amazing map. The point of such a review is to go in depth and look at EVERYTHING, and if we ignore some things then it isn an accurate review. Multi, lets just say that his rating is similar to the rating i would have given this map, and that rating puts it in the top 10% of maps ever submitted. IMO, single digits is pretty damn good for a percentage, and any rating seven or above means its an amazing map. There is nothing to complain about when given a seven! Btw, thats some of the best mapthread photoshopping ive ever seen. I ♥ it very much.
    /defending a bro

    Meanwhile, poor cactus here made something that is easily the best urban styled map ever and we got these idiots criticizing the map for flaws that dont exist and the creator for things he doesnt do. I feel that everything Xavier mentioned is very true, and i definatly think that this is one of the coolest skybubble maps that i have seen in a long time.
  18. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I agree, I was just wanted to point out something on my mind, I really have no issue with the review :)
    Thank you :D
  19. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    I <3 Cowboypickle, If he is cocky then pigs fly.

    I absolutely loved this here map ur got ther. I especially loved Team Koth on Desert Heights for reason's i don't know. The map is enjoyable all the way through and I have never had spawning issues with it during any of the games i have played. It has great atmosphere and really feels like a town. The basketball hoop, magic benches, and especially the Totem pole really made the map awesomely awesome which is better than normal awesome.

    Why no mention magic Totem Pole in post?
  20. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    I´m thinking featured, anyone else? This is truely an amazing map, the layout is my favorite part. Very solid structures, good asthethics, and what looks like amazing gameplay, what more do you want?

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