Theres rats on me! (Extended)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Jul 4, 2010.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    "Theres rats on me" Is a game that continues the story from where you left off on "I hear its safe on the other side". Going back to the map, you and your friends were trying to make it to the other side so you can get to safety. While you were on the slow walking journey, you encountered waves of green zombies doing any thing they can to stop you. When you got to the end (if you even made it) you found that with 30 seconds left a wall spawned between you and some zombies, Keeping you out of harms way for the mean while.
    Will in this new and innovative map, you continue the journey to safety, leaving the safe room to endure more chaos down in the sewer system below.

    How to play
    Playing this game is extremely similar to the way you played "I hear its safe on the other side", So there is no need too be struggling on how to move about this map. A linear path, and a teleporter system to take the zombies right to the action. How ever there is a lot of new stuff and pointers that I have made for the map and game type. Knowing these things will only help you enjoy the experience even more then if you did not know, so please read what I am about to instruct. It will help you greatly.

    The spawns:
    Human: The spawns are something much different then I usually try, But I think I hit The Good on this one. In the beginning as human, you will notice that the fence wall is broke down, and right in front of you (if you are playing with 16 people) 2 zombies right on the other side of it. Now the other 2 zombies (since it is 25% start) are going to spawn in front of a teleporter that will take them right on top of the human spawn, Allowing them to attack as a team from 2 sides at once! Now this is where as you the human Must not panic because if you do, You will have more zombies to fight in the beginning then you would even want. So buckle down and work as a team right when you spawn. Humans by the fence kills the zombies in front, and humans in the back take care of the zombies on top.

    Zombies: So as you read above, you saw how the zombies first start out, how ever you must know what your role is when you start the game. Alpha zombies have 2 starting areas they spawn at, so know how to play both. If you start out side with the teleporters, then walk though the one you first see. If you spawn with the fence wall and the humans, then try too over whelm and distract them so that the zombies up top can pick off a few humans. Remember, the more humans you get in the beginning, The harder it gets for the humans to progress though the map.

    The zombie teleporter system:
    OK so the teleporter is A LOT more easy to use compared to the system on "I hear its safe on the other side". First off, I have it all in a line going in order from left to right. So this means that the far left one takes you to the beginning, and the far right takes you toward the end. The very first teleporter is where 2 zombies will spawn, taking them on top of the human spawn (explained above) The second teleporter has two receivers connected too it, taking you to one of those locations, which both are placed in the same area. The main point of that second teleporter is to allow you as the zombie to attack from two angles, making it very over whelming for the humans. The third teleporter takes you underneath the floor in a hall, allowing the zombies too come up from above and own any one on top (scary stuff). The forth teleporter takes you in a small storage area which is right next to the one out of two BR's on the map. So if I were you, I would bait that BR so I can hopefully get an unsuspecting human as he trys to grab the BR. The fifth teleporter takes you in to the tight tunnels which will T-bone you right in to the humans as they try to crawl there way out of the dirty sewers. The sixth teleporter takes you to the boss zombie! Which will have a custom power up that will spawn after one minute. If by any mistake you go though it, and the custom had not spawned yet. Then you can go back because it is a 2 way node. The seventh teleoporter takes you high above the humans head to allow you to make a drop in on there heads. The final teleporter will be blocked until 2 minutes have past. After 2 minutes have gone by a man cannon will spawn to fly the barrels off the receiver node.
    Now after some time goes by, Specific teleporters will be blocked by boxes so that the game play can be all focused on where the humans would be right around that time. 30 seconds after the custom spawn, a box will block that one to make the boss not accessible any more. After all of this, there should only be 2 teleporters that will make the zombies get right to the humans in no time.

    What the humans do:
    So when you spawn, quickly kill of the starting zombies, and make your way down the hall. Once you reached the end, take a left down the ramp.

    Once down the ramp, you can take a shot gun (never re spawn and 0 clips) or you can continue toward the other side of the hall. (Be very care full when your walking down this hall, A zombie might be under your feet).

    Then turn right and may your crawling action begin. It will get a bit cramped until you reach to the outside. But just watch your back front, left and right. It will get intense in this area.

    OK so your about half way out of the tunnel system, but don't lose your guard. You will soon arrive the small under ground storage which will hold a very special gift.... A BR! It has 0 clips and never re spawns, But it is still a right side angle in your case. Drop some zombies cold and your Shields will be saved from a massive beat down. But be aware, not all zombies are able to die from head shots (coved later)

    Continue though some more and endless tunneling systems, and notice on your right, the zombies re spawn is right on the other side.

    Once out of that tunnel you emerge out into what looks like a small box yard with a house that can not be entered until 2 minutes after a barrier will be blown way by some fusion coils. (Also around the same time those barrels unblock the last teleporter)
    In this court yard, you will meet what I call the zombie of pain..... OK yes i know its a dumb name, so we will just call it the boss zombie! This is one nasty zombie. Stronger and uglier, equipped with a gross gravity hammer, ready too nail you on the wall. But don't panic, If you and your buddy's play like MLG try hard, and love too work together, this guy should be a piece of cake... Or a piece of your brain. he makes an epic entrance too. Flying out of the wall and swigging like a pissed off child who did not get his Wii for Christmas. Just don't panic.

    So after that barrier I was taking about gets blown away, you will then want to make your way in the building. In here you might find some goodies that will help you make that last and intense final stand up stairs. Have your friends make a set up, cover the front from the windows, and have a team up stairs too cover the hairs of your back sides from a constant wave of zombie mayhem. Up stairs, they come in fast and aggressive, never letting up. Why would they not? this is the last shot before you make it too your prize. Speaking of prize, I sure got a treat for you.




    So after three minutes passes by, You departure is up. Up too some man cannons that will take right too your prize. First off, If you hated to be so squeezed with your buddy's, you will get that space you have been wanting for 3 minutes. Second you get a nice shiny Wart hog to drive and own some zombies! (Don't think that warthog will keep you alive, you can very easily still die).


    You may be thinking that this wart hog is now over 9000 and the zombies can't even touch it, will remember your amount of health. lol, that wart hog is best keeping humans alive driving away then making a last stand in a corner. Trust me, You zombies got a minute left, and some good back up. This is not the end of the battle just yet. Its not until the end of the game.

    Some New Things!:
    So I am very excited to announce that the game type is SICKK!!!
    For one, the humans move faster. For two, zombies are much more easy to kill. And 3.... will there is now Three kinds of zombies. Let me explain.
    The Main zombies are the Black color body ones. They are the normal ones that CAN die from a well placed head shot.
    The Alpha zombies are the zombie color ones, indicating that they can NOT die from head shots. Ever.
    Then we have the Green zombie (Only one) Indicating that it is the BOSS zombie. This is the one you don't want to face alone.

    Some Facts:
    1. All guns are on never re pawn. Clips may varies.
    2. humans have 4x over shields, making them strong enough too endure the journey.
    3. There are two points at which the humans hold out and defend them selves while waiting for a timed event.
    4. The warthog is indestructible, so zombies, don't even try to blow it up, its not going to happen.
    OK I think I got about every thing. How about some more pictures?


    Complex eh?






    Thank you and Please Download.


    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  2. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    The map looks AMAZING. Tight spaces are something that really catch my attention. Kinda reminds of 'TunnelRats' if you remember that game. I love how some of the areas open up after a certain amount of time, and I think it cool how some of the map is merged into the roof. I can not find anything bad to comment on so i'll just leave the rest to be said by everyone else. 5/5

    EDIT: First! (hehe)
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    DLing now, Will come back with what i think about it, but by the pictures, It looks really really small.

    And I think that you should just use the "I hear its Safe" game varient so that you don't have to download different ones for different maps.
  4. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Ha, after playing a few games on this, I didn't even know there was a giant warthog area outside the corridors. Now I wanna go play and see what the warthog is like.

    Anyways, good job with the map.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Looks can be very deceiving. Let me point out that the two points of the map where you got to wait and defend your self until something opens up too allow you to progress also makes the game much longer then it seems.

    I know many many people don't like having many game types, but to accomplish when I imagined, I had to use a seprate one.
    #5 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Small this map is not. Whenever I tested this yesterday the journey to the end was surprisingly a long one, especially with zombies coming from all sides at you. Anyways, great job on the map ROADKILL
  7. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Well I couldn't find anyone that wanted to play it with me, but i did a forge through a few times, and even just a slayer varient, But 3/4 times the barrier wouldn't get blown away from the door. You might want to look at that.

    So maybe i was wrong on it looking small, BUT ITS SUPER ****ING CRAMPED. You get no breathing room what so ever. and once you're outside, do you just drive around until its over? How are you gonna make the next one work out? I'm waiting to see what you can do on Sandbox!
  8. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    A Friendly Suggestion...

    I find it somewhat hard to believe that the same person made this and I hear it's safe on the other side. Your first map was an incredible, powerful campaign that could be compared to maps like Manifest, among others. This is...Well, I'm not quite sure. It gives you the same gameplay as the original (with faster humans : D), but in terms of aesthetics, and in terms of immersing you into the map, it comes nowhere near the original.

    It's obvious that you've spent either less time, less effort, or both on this map. Tell you the truth, this isn't a bad map. Compared to some other infection maps here, it's amazing. It plays well, it looks nice, but it simply isn't as awe-inspringly awesome as the original. If this was made by anyone else, I'd congratulate them, but I know for a fact that you can make something much better than this.

    Please, take this into consideration. Spend as much time as physically possible on your next map, and ensure that it is better than any map you have made so far.

    Good Luck,
  9. Mojo22106

    Mojo22106 Forerunner

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    I thought those tunnels went all over the map. Nice how you did it only in one corner. How many players recommended?
  10. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Oh yeah, this map is breakable =( the man canon that launches you out of the map, all you do is run into it then hold back and left and you can land up on the gates, and then move to the zombie's spawns and spawn kill them.

    +1 for me.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    as many as you can get.
  12. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Haha, I was recently playing this with a full party. That was some serious fun. Actually, it was with you Road Kill. This by far has to be my favorite infection series. Can't wait for 3. Try and make the beginning to 3 similar to the end of 2. You have inspired me, I will make my next map similar to yours, a tribute maybe.
    #12 BloodBender97, Jul 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  13. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    IxXROADKILLXxI....u nvr seem to fail at amazing ppl....this infection jus flat out awesome...cant wait to throw a custom up tonite wit this map and gametype....good job!!
  14. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    So yeah, if I can get your permission, I'll fix where you can get out and re-upload it for you and let you put it in your name and whatnot. I don't need any credits

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    ill be honest. If i wanted to fix it, I would do my self.
  16. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    ........Okay? So lets keep an easily fixable glitch that can ruin the game, not fixed? Doesn't make much sense to me, but whatever.
  17. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    I sense anger. Be less rude Cheeze, he didn't mean it rudely. But if he did, ignore me. Hey I have a question. The glitch he keeps bringing up, is it that cannon man at the end of the tunnels?

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I never said i was not going to, so please don't take me the wrong way too soon. I simply said if there is a problem, I will fix it.
  19. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Roadkill just so you know indestructible vehicles does not make the warthog or any vehicles impervious to damage. If there is no one in the vehicle it acts like normal ie: can be blown-up, if there is a player in it there health must first go down to zero and die before the vehicle can be blown-up. Vehicles in halo 3 can always be blown-up unless there is an invincible player in the vehicle.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    You most likely are wrong. One game i had, 9 or 10 zombies were trying too hit the hog too death and for one minute, it still had not blown up.

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