This is my first racetrack post in a while, so bear with me. Some of you guys may remember some of my old school racetracks, such as Infrared Cruise. Anyways, I was looking through my maps today and found a few things I'd like to post for you guys to play. Keep in mind that the only reason I haven't already posted these is because they had (and still have) flaws with their gameplay. Frog Leap Frog Leap is a map I made a while back when ODST came out, with the Mythic II maps. This map is on Longshore, and long story short (see what I did there?), I forgot about the map and never bothered to fix its problems. Anyway, here it is now. This is actually the mirror version of the regular map, but since the regular map had many flaws, it was deleted. It is recommended you play Raceway on this map, but you can try Battle Tracks if you'd like. NOTE: This track is rather challenging. Recommended for experienced Mongoose drivers. TIP: Hit the brakes just before you go down the ramp at the start. The shield door automatically stops you, but for a smoother ride, use your brakes lightly so you won't hit it. [jumpto=dl]Click here to jump to download.[/jumpto] Pictures: [aname=dl]Download Links:[/aname] Map Raceway Enjoy!
Not bad. I really like the amount of work and pathways put into this, Longshore isn't really considered the Forge haven, so what you had to work with, it looks very good.
I agree with JPeloquin218. Forging a map on Longshore instead of on more popular maps, such as Sandbox and Foundry, is a hard thing to do. The curves with the containers are all nicely placed, you picked a great spot to spawn the mongooses, and you even had a good title for a map that has large amounts of water. You did a really good job on this map. I'm definitely going to download it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.