- Catalyst - Forged By : GlanGeR Hello there, Forge Hub! Time for another installment of my map collection (Lol) This Map Supports The Following Gametype(s) : ( Slayer ) Sorry it doesn't support a lot, but expect later maps to support a nice variety The design on this map was created off the top of my head without planning it, I just made 2 bases across the whole map parrallel from eachother and made one big hall way with an intersection in the middle. Soon I realized i could make an upper level to make it a little more interesting, so that upper level spans the Right side of each base spawn, up to the middle, and intersects above, creating like, half a swastika or something o_o Each base has a stairset to go to the upper level, and a flanking tunnel. Though this flanking tunnel doesnt really span a huge length, it can still get you somewhere. Pictures will be provided to show you this flanking route Weapons Sniper Rifle x2 Battlerifle x2 Shotgun x2 ( D: ) Sword x1 Covenant Carbine x2 Equipment Plasma Grenade (Too Many Lol) Spike Grenade x1 Bubble Shield x1 Sorry about those plasma grenades guys! Picture Time YAY!!! View Of The Bottom Floor, Flanking Tunnel Uploaded with ImageShack.us The Top Floor Uploaded with ImageShack.us The Bottom Floor View Of Stairs (Exactly The Same As Other Base) Uploaded with ImageShack.us View Of Middle, Looking Up ( I CAN SEE YOUU!!! ) Uploaded with ImageShack.us View Of Top Floor, Looking Down Stairs (Same As Other Side) Uploaded with ImageShack.us View Of Bottom Floor, The Hall Way!!! (Exactly The Same Both Sides) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Thank you for taking the time to go through this map, I hope you downloaded it (It would make me happy) Feel Free to leave comments/suggestions/reviews in the replies I would love to see what I could improve on DOWNLOAD LINK : http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=114454806 - GlanGeR -
the map is definently well forged. it does seem a little small though. also there is way to much goin on in the middle room. i love the fence floors but with fudsiom coils it isnt fair first!!!!!! XD
Dont do that, it is unnescesary and spam. Thanks! Meanwhile, i must say that this looks rather unique while at the same time reminding me of a map i saw waaaaaaaaay back when i first joined. I reccomend removing the fusion coils, because it makes it suicidal to get on the top floor. Also the sheild barrier promotes camping, so i reccomend removing that as well.
As i fully agree with you, one more thing could you change your text cause i can hardly see anything, people do use Forgehub white X which is white page forgehub. So it means your text is is like invisible to my vision.
Looks pretty good, very unquie design to it. But I think some wepaons you have on the map maybe not be useful, like the sniper. It looks way to small to be used. I would have added Ar's and Some Br's as well.
small yes, but lots of cover, and I like how the shield door blocks the downstairs, keeps it close quarters. Nice to see people are still making quality Foundry maps, very well forged too, not many "bump" spots at all. The fusion coils here are there help, especially in the sword room, good job with this map man.
I noticed that the spawns were a little odd while I played. In a 3v3, the enemy team would spawn right in front of me more than half the time. At one point, my friend and I killed each other at the same time and we spawned right next to each other. The shield doors seem to promote camping when you have a sword that respawns so quickly. There are also way to many sticky grenades, I always had a sticky without even having to look for one. Everywhere you look on the floor you seem to see plasmas or spike grenades. On the other hand, I enjoy the layout, it seems to have a nice flow to it although no one ever seemed to go to the top floor.
Yeah, i do agree that there is WAY too many plasmas, i'll fix em sooner or later, i never noticed that there was so many till i posted this up haha
Enjoyment: For the first minute or so it was pretty fun and hectic combat in the lower hallway in the map, but after that it just went down hill. The first problem is the spawns put us on either end of that hallway almost every single time, and that led to it becoming boring after a little while, but what happened next was even worse. one team started camping the upper part, and ended up winning the 3v3 17-50 i also played a 2v2 with a pretty similar outcome. ill get into why that started and how it can be fixed later on. for enjoyability i give you a 3/10 balance: as i mentioned above the spawns were a major problem, every time during the 3v3 i spawned on either end of the hall, and the 2v2 wasn't any better. i realize that there were many more spawn points on the map, but you should test the map out more to make sure that people actually spawn on them, you can add re-spawn areas and move them around to fix this problem. However the biggest problem for balance was the camping. in the upper room you have 1 sword at 30 second respawn, and 4 maulers and 30 second respawn, not to mention a ton of stickies, and 1 spike nade at 10 second respawn, while at the bottom you got 2 shotguns and 2 snipers with a ton of stickies also at 30 second respawn, and to make this worse the top is completely blocked off by shield doors. this turned the entire game into a huge camp-fest with the people on bottom getting destroyed while the people on top had a constant supply of power weapons. I STRONGLY suggest you make a v2 where you replace the snipers with something else ( they were only really used like maulers to beat down with anyways ), you remove the shield doors, you remove or at least change the respawn time on some of the power weapons and grenades, and you space them out differently. you should also tweak the spawn points. If possible, it would also help if you added more ways into the the upper part of the map. this is a bit advanced, but Death Yoyo made a nice guide on weapon placement here I think it could really help you out with understanding where to put weapons effectively for balance i give you a 1/10 Durability: while the map was inescapable due to the roof, the spawns were exploitable and predictable, so i give you a 6 out of 10, but this could be remedied by fixing the problems i pointed out in balance. for durability i give you a 6/10 Aesthetics: while i was camping up top i really noticed the aesthetics in there were well done. The fence wall window letting you see bottom was nice, and the floor was interlocked well. however, on the ground level there were no geomerges, i recommend that you check out Ghost Merging , it could really help you out. for Aesthetics i give you a 5/10 Originality: I have never seen a map quite like this, however enclosed maps on foundry really aren't anything new. for originality i give you a 5/10 overall you have a 20/50 from me, which is a 4/10. don't worry though, 4/10 isn't bad by any means for someones first map, the average is 5/10 so this is just under that mark. check out the tips i gave you and i hope to see a v2 soon enough