I was wondering what i need for a capture card to work.[/COLOR] I have a pinnacle platinum dazzle capture card and i want to be able to create videos of the Xbox 360 I am not sure if the setup will work with my gaming area because i am using a monitor instead of a tv, but i do have a tv if it will not setup on the monitorHere are some pictures of my gaming setup [/COLOR] The moniter underneath[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Sound system setup[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Here is the tv[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Back of Tv[/COLOR] [/COLOR] All i need to know is what do i need and will it work on either of these setups.[/COLOR]
I have the same capture card so I'll try to help you out. To answer your first question regarding the monitor or TV, I don't have an answer to. I assume that it wouldn't work on your monitor, but I don't actually know so I would just plug in the cap card to your TV unless you can find a way to make it work on your monitor. The first thing you'll need are these AV splitters. 2-3 of them to inact. My TV only requires 2 (one for composite which is yellow and one for right audio(red). The third would be the left audio which is white. You could have both, but I use all 3 slots anyways though. The next thing you need is an AV cable I don't believe any of the above will come with the Dazzle. Do you need help with setting up?
Yes i will need help setting up and thank you. I have AV cable but i don't have the spliters i will get them when i can.
Yeah, splitters aren't too expensive. They're like 7-10$ each I think, I just happened to have a few lying around the house. For setting up, here's a very crude diagram I made in MS paint because it'll be easier to explain. The things coming out of the dazzle are the splitters and then attached to them are the AV cables for the TV and the xbox. The 360's AV cables male ends go into the splitter cables of the color corresponding to the dazzle. So the one on the right of the pic for example is composite(yellow) so you would insert the 360's composite and the AV cable's composite into that splitter (doesn't matter which one the AV cables go into). Then, you plug the other end of the AV cable into the TV(green in the diagram) as you normally would and you're now able to record while playing on your TV! If this is still confusing for you I'll just take a picture, I know I didn't explain it very well. I know you don't have an HD TV, but you need to make sure that the 360's AV cable is set to 'TV'. There's a little switch on the end of the cable that attaches into your xbox. For the program, I believe it would normally come with Dazzle DVD Recorder, which IMO is the best program to use. You have other options like Dazzle Studio but I don't like them. The problem with Dazzle DVD Recorder is that, as the name suggests, you can only record in DVD(.ifo, .vob) format which is really tedious to work with. Unless you change the format using a program like SUPER or something, there's very few programs that can support the format. The only one I know for sure supports .IFO is Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Pro. I personally like the quality of .IFO and so if it's just small work I would just use Platinum Pro. It's obviously inferior to other programs like Vegas 9.0, but it does the job. From what I've seen, I do personally like the quality of .IFO though than the other formats I'll talk about next. YouTube - Video Request .:Limitations - Jump Map by Xang Yang:. Quality example for a short map video I made just last week Using a Pinnacle Studio Program you can record in AVI and MPEG 2 I believe (might be wrong). There's a few benefits to this like for example, all video editing programs should support these two format. Next is that if you can choose to record in Widescreen and select the pixel ratio. I generally don't use this feature just because I could do the same later when I'm editing in After Effects. In addition to that, if you don't have another video editing program you can use the one that comes with Pinnacle Studio. It's very simple to use if you're just starting and is helpful if you don't have other video software. The one disadvantage is that Pinnacle Studio 12 (the one I used for a bit) is very clunky and tedious to work with. The frame rate constantly drops for me when I try to record. I've heard people tell me that Studio 14 is a much better version and a massive step up from 12 so you might want to give that a try. Hope that helps
Thanks A lot. Anyway would it be easier to use the standed software that comes with the capture card or buy like vagas
The software that came with my Dazzle was the DVD Recorder. It didn't do anything except record(no editing) so I use Vegas for editing. It might be different for you. I do however, suggest that you don't buy these expensive programs unless you plan on making money. Just torrent them. I do suggest that you somehow at least obtain Sony Vegas Platinum Pro 9.0 or Sony Vegas 9.0 Platinum Pro is really not too expensive and you could actually buy it. it comes around 70-150$. Not as good as Vegas 9.0 which hovers around the 900$ mark I believe but Platinum Pro definetly does the job and is easier for first time users.
When capturing, use the program that came with your capture card. It's almost always the best solution. But for editing, you would want to get an actual video editor such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas as well as Adobe After Effects in either setup. Some may ask why both, and it's a pretty simple answer. Premiere and Vegas are both Linear editors. They're what you'll want to be arranging your clips, cutting, etc. Now, what people don't understand is that After Effects is not an "editing" program in this sense. After Effects is a visual effects, touch-up, all around video fixerupper. You DON'T want to edit complete videos in After Effects. Also note, though, that After Effects is NOT needed and is only included here if you have the resources to aquire it and actually need to use it. It really depends on what you're going to make. EDIT- What Capture card is that? I'm guessing the Dazzle DVC100 that came with Pinnacle Studio 12, yes? Second edit- Can you change your opening post, and any subsequent posts that have a non-default color in the text, by removing the color tags. Your posts are very hard to read on a dark skin.
I am not sure if it's my net but i can't change it back to the Default colour if this post is in a different colour tell me. And the capture card Yes and Yes