Cwfilms Bring you a short machinima on what could happen if you are a Noob! on Halo 3 Made by James667 and YouAteMyPie..... YouTube - So you want recon? - HALO 3 Machinima YouTube - TheCWfilms's Channel TheCWFilms - Currently in maintenance.
Unfortunately, I agree. OP, if you were trying to be funny, there wasn't any creative jokes or anything remotely interesting. But, if you were trying to make a serious machinima, then i don't even know what to say. However, If you keep trying, maybe you will come up with something good!
Please stop. Spoiler btw I've written you a more indepth review on Sorry man, but I didn't enjoy that at all. Voice acting was off, camera angles could have been better, and nothing made me go "wow that was cool" or made me laugh. The humour didn't appeal to me at all, but everyone has different senses of humour so that's not really something you can improve. Maybe work on timing when delivering lines (timing's everything in comedy), and deliver the lines with more enthusiasm to make them more convincing. If anything, it's better to overact in a comedy than to underact. The premise could also have been much better. Honestly, all this was was two teenagers scamming a younger child who was naive enough to believe he would get recon, and in the end he gave his own money to people who'd abused his trust. Yes, it is a machinima, not real life, but the way you portrayed it wasn't funny at all.
All these replies are kinda spammy. True it was bad, but what if that's the humor he was trying to achieve?
That made me more stupid than I already am. Also the voice acting was really bad and the little kids voice sounded really weird...