This is my first time posting a map here. sorry if you don't like it being in the crypt but i was going to build something else and eventually made a ship. story: written in the description, this ship has finished construction and is ready to leave the spacedock (the crypt) overview of the ship i have no idea if this map supports any gametype, the only thing u could do is probably slayer, but you can change it to support others : Halo 3 File Details
it looks really good! nice job on posting it right! maybe add more pics of like the drivers seat. but i dont really like the idea of the turrets placed on top...any ways, great job
Nice! Well, I obviously can't judge the map from the pics. I am going to download and see it myself. Nice job! 5/5
You have nine post, you cant possibly have been here long enough to be annoyed at people who dont post correct /jk Anyway, i have to say that this is the cleanest non-interlocked map that i have seen in a really long time, so super job. But aesthetic maps are all about no-holds barred pure beauty, and the lack of interlocking added a lack of beauty (or removed an amount of beauty, whichever you will.) Do you know how to Ghost Merge? I think learning that will help you greatly!
If you need help with Ghost-Merging, either hit me up on XBL on the GT to the left OR check out PsychoBucket's Ghost-Merge Canvas. It really helps! If you don't know how to 'Dummy' an object, then look around either YouTube or Fh for a tutorial! (I can't find one)
Good job on making your first post and I love your ship design. It could be a little neater, but overall i love it. And I doesn't matter if it is in the crypt, I still love it.
Looks pretty cool. I love ship maps. I feel that this might have been better off in the skybubble though. This way the ship would appear more to be actually flying. You could have done more with the effects and aesthetics. The design of the ship actually looks nice. Some secret rooms and maybe some door switches could have been cool. I would like to see what you come up with next. Nice work.
this map is realy good and i have played it and scyteblade i am playing with u right now i give this map a 100/100 and i still dont belive u made it!