- Rapture - Forged By : GlanGeR This is my first map ever posted onto Forge Hub This Map Supports The Following Gametypes : ( Slayer , Capture The Flag , King Of The Hill , Territories , And Oddball. ) ( What A Variety, Eh? ) Lets take a look at some pictures ( Yay ! ) Overview of the Middle ( Back Perspective ) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Overview Of The Middle ( Front Perspective ) Uploaded with ImageShack.us View Of The Left Side Uploaded with ImageShack.us View Of The Right Side Uploaded with ImageShack.us DOWNLOAD LINK http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=114448313 I hope you enjoyed viewing this map, check out my fileshare for some cool files and future updates. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions - GlanGeR -
You've got a pretty nice looking map here. The center structure has a rather creative design and it appears to have been executed nicely. Your interlocking looks quite smooth in most places. It would be nice to see more pictures that give a closer view of the map. Four is fine, but a few more wouldn't hurt. Also a weapons list would give a good idea of what the gameplay is like here. That's obviously not a requirement, but it's a nice thing to have. While the map overall is well-done, I do spot a few inconsistencies. Your line of symmetry (seen in the second picture) looks to be out of line. There are also a few boxes which are simply put next to each other, where you could've easily interlocked to reduce the risk of a bump or grenade slipping through. Plus they just look better when interlocked (that is also seen well on either side of the second picture). Finally, this map appears to lack any true bases. The middle will dominate the map, and in CTF where do the flags spawn/capture? Behind one wall? That's really what appears to be the biggest flaw with the design. Bases of some sort balance gameplay out immensely. You did an excellent job for a first post, and the map looks pretty good, but there are some definite areas where you could improve next time. Best of luck and Happy July 4th!
Very interesting map. I have noticed vast amounts of architecture with in this map very beautiful and infact quite fun looking. kinda open on the sides and only a few places to go if you added a cat walk or something I'm sure it would look nice.
Thanks for the suggestion, and yeah, i had a hard time with the symmetry ill try to improve in later maps
you know how to interlock things, so why don't you interlock EVERYTHING? by doing that you put more time into the map, it looks better and it plays better
Way to brace the crate with a teleporter! Also, next post, or a quick edit on this one, maybe put a weapon list up.
I'm digging this, lots of ramps and stairs, that raised room in the back is nice too. I also like where you placed the shotty, makes it a instant rush weapon as soon as you spawn, forging is nice as well. Definetely a keep the high ground kind of map, I would probably move the spawn points that are on the ground directly under the majority of the map because when you spawn you get gunned down from up top really fast. Good map though!