Why the BR is better then the Carbine. Original post: Here ______________________________________________ I am annoyed about the lack of Carbines on maps and have posted many threads on the topic. Now I have done an analysis to determine whether the Carbine is balanced with the BR. Results: Carbine: 9 damage/shot Clip: 18 Damage/clip: 162 Spread: same as BR Shots needed to kill: 8 BR: 6 damage/shot (18/burst) Clip: 36 Damage/clip: 216 Spread: same as Carbine Shots needed to kill: 4 I couldn't come up with a way to compare rate of fire,so I covered this by using Damage minus spread/shot. The BR has 3 times the chance of scoring a hit per shot/burst From this, my verdict is that the BR is more effective and is superior to the Carbine. This is because of the spread, because it is random, the BR is 3 times more likely to have a bullet score a headshot or score damage than the Carbine every shot/burst. Add to this the Carbine’s lower overall damage/clip and the evidence states that the Carbine is inferior. From halo wiki: "Also in Halo 3 its accuracy is decreased, causing it to be less reliable then the Battle Rifle." That result is not acceptable; the Carbine should be EQUAL to the BR and be on more maps. A simple solution would be to make the Carbine’s shots spread less or to make each shot do 10 damage. Thoughts?
Not to pigeonhole, but surely this belongs in halo discussion? Anyway i perosnelly never find either better than each otehr.Altho whenever "im" using the carbine it seems better than the Br but i consistently beat people using it.
BR > Carbine You need more shots to kill, which gives you a larger chance of missing, with an already inaccurate weapon. I will out BR all of you, any day of the week.
Here is the truth, it varies based on your skill level. THe highest level peoplle, level 45 and up, like me, use them interchangeably. I like the Br for mid to long distance firing, but prefer the Carbine close range. You can, if skilled, easily beat an opponent who has a BR with a Carbine of your won close range, but in most encounters you will likely find yourself in greater need of a BR.
i think that the carbine is better because whenever i am shooting a moving target with the BR, it seems as though I need to aim where it WILL be as opposed to where it is currently. With the carbine i dont seem to have that problem as much. err it isnt as noticable
I'm think that brute captain is right on about the br being better for long range and carbine for close range. However i find that carbine does usually beat the br long range because it descopes the br, but overall the br is a more solid weapon mostly due to the clip size and the amount of ammo you start with. I mean you get like 4 fully shielded opponents (maybe) with carbine before you run out of ammo. WIth the br you can kill 4 with a single clip, plus br comes in 4(?) clips to start with.
i disagree with you whisper lol. i too believe that brute captain is right. it does vary based on someones skill level. i myself switch between the two
Thanks for the move, i posted one forum then hit the back key and posted another, i'll try to watch it next time
How are you more skilled than him? Anywho i think it all just depends on opinion and what one your better with.
Why do you continue to bring pointless and trivial arguments here? And unless you're Ocianos, you're not even making these thoughts yourself. You're just copying it off of another guy. And if you are Ocianos, you're kinda the reason why B.net is looked down on so much here.
And I'm more skilled than you and they all agree with me. I just had this experience today with BR's and Carbines while beating BNASTY 25-4 in MLG.
BR is the better weapon going up against other weapons, and Carbine is better going up against BR in medium to close range. If both players land the same amount of shots, the Carbine will win. The range of both weapons is about equal. A Carbine/BR battle at long range is a toss up though. BR fire is much steadier against other weapons because of the slower rate of fire. Carbine:BR::Shotgun:Sword/Hammer