Sandbox Squad Battle Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JEEF, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    Squad Battle Map Pack
    BTW I made all these maps a year ago, and the descriptions and weapon layouts are changed/ there just copied from the xforgery post



    A little over a month back, I had envisioned successfully getting a map into my favorite playlist in matchmaking,Squad Battle. I started out by studying the maps already in matchmaking such as Valhalla and Sand Trap. Other outside influences include the original Sandbox and the campaign mission "The Ark." While being built, every structure was designed around the warthog, giving the driver multiple routes. This ultimately made the warthog less predictable. To enlarge the map, we built it in the sand, which made it feel bigger than the average main floor map. Although we've only tested 4’s, 5’s and 6’s, we suspect it could support up to 8’s. This map is set up for all of the variants in matchmaking; flag, territories, bomb, and slayer variants.

    Weapons List:
    8 Battle Rifles 10-second respawn
    4 Covenant Carbines 30-second respawn
    2 Maulers 120-second respawn (0 spare clips)
    2 Plasma Pistols 45-second respawn
    2 Brute Shots 60-second respawn
    2 Shotguns 90-second respawn (0 spare clips)
    2 Assault Rifles 60-second respawn

    Power Weapons:
    1 Rocket Launcher 180-second respawn (Asymmetric Only)
    1 Spartan laser 180-second respawn
    2 Sniper Rifles 180-second respawn
    2 Missile Pods 180-second respawn
    1 Machine Gun Turret 180-second respawn

    2 Power Drainers 60-second respawn
    2 Regenerators 120-second respawn
    1 Bubble Shield 120-second respawn
    1 Camouflage 180-second respawn
    8 Plasma Grenades 30-second respawn

    Vehicle List:
    1 Banshee 180-respawns (Symmetric Only)
    4 Mongooses 90-second respawn
    2 Warthogs 120-second respawn



    Crossroads is a headlong-inspired map in the crypt. While making alterations to the original design, I have to thank solo XIII of the MLG forums for this ingenious layout. Made specifically for one side objective, Crossroads supports one flag, one bomb, One-sided territories, and one-sided VIP. Similar to Last Resort, Crossroads has ultimately 7 entrances, making the attackers path-choices less predictable. With multiple points of interest, there is no calm-of-storm moment.

    Weapons list
    x1 Sniper Rifle
    x1 Rockets
    x1 Shotgun
    x1 Overshield
    x1 Active Camo
    x1 Machine-Gun Turret
    x6 Battle Rifles
    x2 Sub-Machine-Gun
    x1 Plasma Rifle
    x1 Plasma Pistol
    x1 Spiker
    x1 Needler
    x2 Covenant Carbine
    x1 Mauler
    x2 Mongi
    x1 Ghost




    This is a Map that has experienced little testing, but Im putting it in the pack in hope that it will get games on it. I'm deciding not to make a weapon list because It will likely change after feedback.



    DL links are the sig pics before each map
  2. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    I havent seen any new maps from you lately, so I am glad to see these. My favorite is crossroads, because my favorite map on Halo 2 was Headlong.
    I think this map pack is very unique, I have never seen one for squadbattle, so thats a change. (And the maps are awesome)
  3. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    All the maps looks really good. All very clean and design very well. i will ebs ure to give these all a try and give a gameplay review on the maps.
  4. Chicago Jagwire

    Chicago Jagwire Ancient
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    These look great nice job.

    First of all. Seraph look similar to the default Sandbox. While I am not a huge fan of the default set up I know a ton of people who love it and how it plays fast paced while stressing BR teamshooting. One thing I've noticed is the Banshee is very hard to put on Sandbox maps due to the rather small size and object limit which limits building structures large enough to create aerial barriers and sight lines. But, it is worth a test.

    Just from the pictures I was very impressed with Crossroads, but that may be because anything that resembles the beauty and design of Headlong is amazing. I defiantly want to play this map, if it's playability matches its amazing design that map could be a BTB favorite.

    Reconstruction also looks fantastic from the screenshots. I would love to see an overhead shot as I was hard to tell where the blue and red sides end and begin and also where they are located. Still it looks great and I'd love to get the chance to test it.

    I'm happy to see you working in the crypt, I've always kinda thought that the crypt was better for BTB maps as it promoted multi-layered maps and an urban style. Besides with the object limit and budget the main floor just doesn't lend itself well to large, detailed maps.
  5. McPebbles

    McPebbles Ancient
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    how many microsoft points does this cost? im gonna download the pack
  6. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Nice maps! I definitely see the resemblance to Headlong, and I think that Crossover could provide a new angle on how BTB plays. I could see it easily becoming a BTB favorite. Also, +1 for urban style.

    BTW, can I use the bottom floor of Crossover as a template to work on my map? I just need a map with it's own floor, and I'm no good at doing that.
  7. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Three very, very sexy maps right here. After a quick in game run-through I was only more impressed. The size of the maps despite restrictions is great (the mancannons directed width ways on Seraph were a good move). My only question is why did I spawn in the air and drop to the ground on both of the Crypt maps? Was that intentional?
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Ummm.... this guy made it............ and its in his fileshare........................ so its free.......................................................
  9. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    the reason is because of the canvas, spawn areas don't reach them, so you only spawn there in forge. in game the spawn areas only cover the land spawns so you never fall
  10. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Ok, all of the maps are very solid but they have some issues.
    1: Sorry to disagree with people, but Crypt SB maps suck so much. The game play is very poor in most of them. (I haven't downloaded your maps yet). When you do make SB maps, you need vehicles. A banshee is way over-powered on Sandbox if the pilot is decent. Ghost shouldn't be in the crypt, I have played countless of maps in the crypt with ghost and they don't work. If you are going to counter this reply with "Ghost Town" or "Longshore" don't have many vehicles, forget it. Believe me. 90% of the time the maps without vehicles get vetoed very quickly. I am a 49 in SB and I know most of the top players and everyone hate not having vehicles. Now onto the map critique.

    Serapth-Main floor is the way to go! It is a good size, but the map is going to feel a lot like the original Sandbox. The bases-The bases should work out fine, decent size, can shoot into them which reduces camping, but there is not 2 spots for the attackers/defenders to push out of there base and fire at. For example, look at standoff, the map utilizes the base as a spawn, the back of the bases for the laser to sit, and it has the rock line in front of the base. It also has a WARTHOG! IMO the map won't flow well unless you go for a "Workplace Bravo" feel. The sides-Ya its neat in all but in symmetrical maps you are going to need a/some bigger buildings on the sides. For instance, Workplace bravo, symmetrical like yours but its design is brilliant. Go for a Workplace Bravo type building next time.
    Overall for Serapth-Either make a second area in front of the bases(Standoff as an example), or make a much bigger structure on the small-dune side(Workplace Bravo as an example). Remove banshee and add choppers.

    I will comment later on the other 2. I don't like the Crypt so I will have to play it to find more significant problems.

    Good Day!
  11. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    Pre-Bias and stereotypes is something you should never hold, and to say that my map is just another map without testing it is just wrong. IE:thanks for testing my maps out [sarcasm]

    I know you feel like you know how maps will play, but I have played SB Im a 45, and stopped playing after I got cheaters. Also I said at the First line all the map descriptions are old, which means you didn't read my post. seraph doesn't have a banshee anymore, but when It did it was balanced, you would have to play it to realize, because there was a lot of LOS blockers making it difficult for the banshee to swoop down and get a good 5 seconds of strait shots, making it easier to jack. Plus The hog plays completely different from then what you think.And there is More than 2 spots to push out of and there is cover to push both sides. Also Squad battle maps don't have to have vehicles, Isolation is a Great Map in the squad battle rotation, and theres only a ghost.

    Basically Im just saying that you should play on them before you complain about the maps, because I have debunked almost all of your complaints through testing. I have experience in both SB and map design and game play.

    All that you said in your post makes me believe that you didn't even download the maps and even fly through in forge. IMO thats the problem in this forum and many other forums is people don't do what maps were made for and actually play them. You Just rudely Criticized my map with only glancing at it.

    Thanks for going the extra mile
  12. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Bud, wasn't trying to make you mad or anything, just trying to give feedback. I indeed read your whole post, I really don't know why I told you to remove the banshee though. Ok, I hate Crypt maps is defiantly bias. Till this day I haven't played one that flows well, thats why I said I will have to DOWNLOAD them! I just DL seraph so I will have to see the changes. None the less, I didn't glance at it, I drew the whole map out and compared it to other workable layouts in SB. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong about Seraph, doubt it though. No offense at all.

    P.S. I don't know to many people that like Isolation.

    EDIT: Just recognized you said Warthogs are better than I think...exactly what I'm saying. Keep 'em in there!
    #12 XeNon, Jul 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2010
  13. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    ^The last line is also sarcastic...

    Please, this is off-topic, but for everyone: please do not comment on gameplay without playing it. I on the other hand have just looked at pictures, so I will comment on structure choices and aesthetics:

    I really like the center structure of seraph. I have used similar geometry on a smaller skybubble map, and I think it makes an excellent center. The big towers on the outskirts of the map look to be set up to counter the effectiveness of a banshee. They will probably not help that much now that the banshee is gone. Maybe replace them with a wider lower structure? THey are not too original, and will not produce a WOW factor for just being tall.

    Reconstruction is just gorgeous and the DL for me! It is simply good looking, and I like all of the different structural decisions on it- again, a lot of things I have thought of, or something similar, but not actually made. However, it looks more of a 4v4 or 5v5 map as opposed to 6v6.

    Well done. I love Squad Battle, and although I never get a big enough party to play it in customs, I appreciate the limitations of making a big map. I myself am making one right now.
  14. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Okay, DL'ed Seraph last night and PLAYED and my thoughts are still the same. Some things I forgot about were indeed the aesthetics. I was so caught up in game play I didn't see how beautiful the map is. Aesthetics are great, especially the middle. I still feel as if the bases need a second line of defense, it felt like I was playing sandbox 6v6, moving more towards the sides. so I still think you should add a second line of defense.

    The other 2 also DL'ed and played. I can't remember the names right now but the one that looked a lot like headlong was awesomeeeeeee! I don't think 6v6 is suitable for them but I could defiantly see them in matchmaking 5v5/4v4-maybe? Although I said I don't like the crypt to much for SB, I love crossroads cause I see a lot of the H2 Headlong in it(I played H2 until it ended) so I really enjoyed that one.

    I apologize if I sounded rude, but your forging is incredible and the maps are beautiful.

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