The Industry Created by BloodBender97 in collab with xXTJ1014Xx Fright of the world's end brought depression, violence, and never ending war. There are those who fight to end it, and those who fight until the end. While training for the war, you will be making your stay here on this floating island, there is no way out so don't even try it(If you make it out though, you get a cookie.) Look kid, here is what you will be training with, what you have to look at. Oddball, objective training, this will train you to be ready whenever you see that sniper spawn, yes YOU CAN HAZ. 2-10 players(If you manage to fit 12 without spawn errors, let me know.)(1 Ball only) King of the Hill, take control before your enemies do. With this map I will be offering a free gametype of KoTH(KoS actually.) 3 Hills. 2-10 players. Slayer, exactly what it means, don't worry you won't get hurt(much) and you respawn. It's all fun. FFA, 2-8(reccomended.) Teams, 2-10. Infection, Zombuhz? I ain't 'fraid no zombuhz! Unknown player amount. Assault, explosions galore, This map does not support grifball due to the gravity not being an object. 2-8(reccomended) CTF, there are alot of taken hostiles in war, this is training. 1 flag, 2- 8(reccomended.) 2 flag, 2-10. More coming soon. Screenshots! Walking out of the bases Regen Spawn Overview The army thought we needed some scenery BR Spawn for both bases Blue base Let me know of any errors or glitches you may find. Some may include(but may not be an issue): Digital pond not totally spawning "ODDBALL HAX!!!!!!!!" Getting out of the map Bad respawns in large games under 10 players. It DOES support Grifball? Glitching radiator(fusion coil box) Uber pond campismness Weapons: Carbine(2), 30 respawn, 1 clip BR(4) = 10 respawn, 1 clip Mauler(2) = 45 respawn, no clips Sniper(1) = 45 respawn, 2 clips Regen(1) = 60 respawn Frag nades(8) = 10 respawn Plasma nades(8) = 10 respawn Custom Powerup(1) = 120 respawn Download The Industry King of Slayer 25 points to win. BR start, BloodBender97's damage and shield special. Custom Powerup = 60 second invis. Weapon pickup. Change to enable teams and make the points 50 to win. Default FFA. Follow the hill to kill. Assasinations count, in hill or not. You only get points for killing, but you must be in the hill to cause damage, otherwise there is the custom powerup for assasinations(Yu can haz sneekee ninjeh powuhz.) Download the complimentary gametype
Whether they're coming later or not at all, it's still against forum policy to post a map without screenshots. In future, perhaps one should wait until the post is complete before posting. -=Moxus=-
This map post is worse then the vampire one, What do you people not get about Getting screenshots before you post the map. Its simple! you can take them and finish them in about 5 minutes! i have nothing to work off here. Ill rate your map after you get screenshots, and then i will download it. Anyone want to take a vote on, if someone doesn't take screenshots, but has the time to make a post, delete the thread? make them start over? This is about the 3rd map post today in which i have nothing to work off of (X2). Edit: I just reread some of your post, Always expect 16 players, thats a tip. Also if you are so concerned about bugs in your map, properly test your map before posting it. I'm working on a der riese remake and after 10 hours of making it, i got some friends and put it through 2 hours of testing. Forge hub has a testers guild if you want to go through it that way. Also BTW, i'm just angry at the about of bad map posts i have seen lately, don't take all of this the wrong way
I understand. And it has been through testing, I just found these rarely ever happen. So no worries, I just need to know if I didn't run enough tests. My images are going to be crappy, I read the tutorial and tried it, but I have been sitting for ten minutes and my computer won't get past the first few steps. So I'm taking the easy way out and "Print Screening" to paint and making it a .png file. --- Screenshots added.
Nice map. The pond barely showed up for me. Good interlocking. I think there should be a bit less long range weapons and a couple more CQC weapons, but that's just me.
Considering that this floating island has a long history and is in the sky, I figured it only needed one shield door. But this is just a beta.
I just downloaded it, sadly i'm the first, i will write up a review afterwards After playing i wrote up this review Mooman219's Grading chart 4 maps Key, This is what i'm grading you on. Code: [TABLE] [tr][td][B]Effort 7/7[/B][/td][td][I](Merging and interlocking)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Breakable 3/3[/B][/td][td][I](Can i glitch/get out of your map?)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Variety 5/5[/B][/td][td][I](New map? Remake - Better or worse?)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Flow 4/4[/B][/td][td][I](Camp-able, Do people move in the right direction?)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Game-type 5/5[/B][/td][td][I](Fun for all or Fun for one)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Weapon Placement 4/4[/B][/td][td][I](Too Many/Little/placement)[/I][/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Overall 28/28[/td][/tr][/B] [/TABLE] Your map, I start by assuming your map sucks, then work up. Code: [TABLE][B] [tr][td][B]Effort[/B][/td][td]4/7[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Breakable[/B][/td][td]2/3[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Variety[/B][/td][td]4/5[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Flow[/B][/td][td]3/4[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Weapon Placement[/B][/td][td]3/4[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Game-type[/B][/td][td]0/0[/td][/tr] [tr][td][B]Overall[/B][/td][td]16/23 69.5%[/td][/tr] [/B][/TABLE] *Note (Game-type only matters for maps that require a single game-type)
Dude, why not use just a 1-5 scale on your ratings? What the hell does "2/3" mean? Does it mean that we can break out of this map 2/3 times? Make your scores relative to one another. Anyways, this map looks quite interesting. I like the design, and the backstory kept me intrigued. Here's a bit of advice though; don't take pictures in Forge, it doesn't help the map's visual appeal. Instead, take your pictures right before a custom game or right after so you know that there won't be any trouble with the spawn points in the way, or the blue lines on the ground (example.) Anywho, back to the map. I really like the wooden roof, and the layout keeps me interested, which is good. My only beef with this is the weapon selection. Perhaps make them a little more close-range oriented? I understand you may have been going for a MLG feel, but I don't feel that this kind of map calls for those kinds of weapons. Alright, enough blabbering. You did a great job on this, and I can't wait to play it. Good work. EDIT: Also, embed your links too, I wouldn't want you to get infracted for something so simple. Go to this for some help. Also, I didn't realize that this was your first map. Nice job, and I hope to see more from you soon. Love, Zero
I couldn't quite understand your system. How is my map a remake? Little Effort? I spent so many hours mindlessly staring at my screen fixing my pond area, how does that look effortless? I have no idea what parts need to be fixed. Please elaborate more. And you are the second actually, Joe DL' d it. But you are actually the first to download the fixed one. After I posted it the first time and I went back to take the screenshots, I noticed the spawns and spare clips were messed up, but I fixed it in 5 seconds so... Well I had the sniper there for camping(I thought the map needed a place to fight for,) even though it originally had no spare clips. My friends talked me into making it a full on sniper after a few oddball and slayer games. I may replace it with a plasma pistol. Anybody want to come play to tell me what you don't like during gameplay? Message me, I'm always free. I embedded the links like you asked. About the gametype, I have had it made for a while and figured that it needed some spotlight. The gametype is fun on this map as well. If anyone wants to they can say something about the gametype by the way. Screenshot advice taken. MLG weaponry? I just like to add a BloodBender97 touch to my maps. I like to exclude the shotgun, magnum, assault rifle, overshield, and missile pod in my maps, it just so conveniently happened that my map became an MLG supporting map. Love you too. Haha, just kidding.
Very nice. I really like how asthetic the map looks. It looks to me you put alot of time into the detail of the map which is what I admire in Maps alot. The only potentail problem I can see it possible spwan killing considereing there isn't a whole lot of space and the map is basicly a circle.
Well the other creator should be getting on pretty soon. He'll be glad to see the feedback for our map. --- Sorry if I am bumping. I have a question, would my map be qualified under competitive? If so, can it be moved there?