Crackdown on Pacific City

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sgt Surchin, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    the one thing that i would like to know is, why has no one made a "Crackdown" on "Pacific City" map and game type. the only reason i have not done this is because i do not believe that i would be able to build the map, but the game type however, would be fairly easy to make. all you would need is to make the settings for the freaks as normal shields and health but slightly faster with a forced color to be zombie. as for the peacekeepers, blue armour (of course) and normal speed but slightly stronger than normal. if anyone would like to make a map to go with this game type for a "Crackdown" on "Pacific City" game, please do tell. thank you.

    Good vs. Evil​
    #1 Sgt Surchin, Jul 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Because no person has the time to build it, no map has the ability to hold enough objects (or even a fraction of it...) and absolutly NOBODY wants to read your larger than normal text. If you want people to take your posts seriously, i highly reccomend sticking with the default text for more than 95% of your posts, because it looks more professional. Its the default for a reason.
  3. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    really someone could at last build the docks of Pacific City, which is small enough to build, but large enough for full scale combat.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    That, is very possible. I personally dont own the game anymore, but if somebody is willing to do it, im in.

    *sits back and watches thread intently*
  5. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    you can see the docks of Pacific City on the Crackdown 2 demo. really you would have one of three sections of the dock to build, only 2 of which are actually a good idea. there is the middle section (close quarter crates with ramps ascending throughout them) and the section of the docks with the ship (a section of land with a medium sized vessel docked in the corner). the third section is pretty much wide open space with a few vehicles and barriers thrown in.
  6. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I once mocked up a crackdown-based gametype using 1-sided VIP. The attacking team would be Los Muertos (For easy gameplay), Volk (Medium) and Shai Gen (Hard), and would be attacking the peacekeepers, who are the defenders. The VIP would be the agent, who obviously is much quicker and jumps higher.

    The gametype could possibly be a lives-based game. The gangs & agency have around 5 lives each, and once they lose them, they're out. The agent, as the VIP, has one life, and instantly ends the round upon his death. However, there are VIP destinations around the playing field, which contain weapons for the agent to pick up. This makes it a case of "do I get weapons, or help the peacekeepers?"

    So yeah, that's my Crackdown gametype in a nutshell.
  7. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    that's a nice idea, but what is the point of a Crackdown gametype without a Pacific City map. my idea would be to use that gametype on the area of the docks with the docked ship. the only problem is that i cannot build a ship =(

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