Shipment p.s. this map looks like garbage in screenshots, watch the video This map is as close to Cod4 Shipment as I could physically make it. Pssh Meta stop being such a douche all you have to do is lay down some double blocks and you make shipment! Not quite my made up friend! The boxes on Shipment are not a 4 by 2 rectangle, like the double box in sandbox, instead they are a 4 by 1.5 rectangle. Wow Meta how'd you get such a precise measurement? Guessing? Making it up? No! I made these measurements with an overhead map, a ruler and a calculator! Wow, we can totally tell you're not full of crap Meta! But how did you get this picture into Halo with the right proportions? Well that's simple I took the amount of time it took to walk across shipment in Call of Duty (~10 seconds) and created a respawn area that took ~10 seconds to walk across. I further reinforced these dimension by taking the length of a box and how many times it took for this measurement to cross the map. In the end I got a respawn area with a width of 20 and a depth of 21 (shipment isn't square surprisingly) and my picture is 17.5mm by 18.5mm (I had to round to 21) I moved this respawn area to the top of the sky bubble and began construction on Shipment. Now, I seriously recommend watching this short video before you read on, it will make everything much easier to understand. YouTube - Halo 3 Shipment by MetaWaddleDee Blue car Red Dumpsters Blue Dumpsters Red Car If none of that made any sense you probably didn't watch the video, go do that. Meta that is the worst map ever, that will never transition into halo well, in fact I already see 14 different ways I'm going to break your map. That's where you're wrong I built the map at the top of the sky bubble, so jumping is at a default ~150% (But if you play any regular jumping gametypes, set the gravity to 150, it plays much smoother, also turn radar off (helps gameplay)) I assure you, the spacing is as good as it will ever get in this map, I have a ruler and conversion equations to prove it! 1SBB = .795mm 1mm = 1.257 SBB SBB = SandBox Box SandBox Box = basically a block flat I really have no Idea what else to say...just that I tried to make a custom SnD and it wasn't so great...OH! this map supports 2-6 players, and it makes for a mean 1v1 (no radar, 110 speed, 110 damage, very fun). MISC Info I updated the map a little, a few breaks were fixed and bumps were smoothed. The scaffolding is a gate, it was there in regular shipment but there was only one (I had to make two so I could save a bunch of wall halfs) That thing behind the fence is a truck, or supposed to be a truck the floor might be a little crooked in a few spots because I merged double blocks together, and got correct spacing on those, but then ran out of those and had to use tall/large blocks, and when I interlocked those together, it came out curved almost... The three random buildings are there so the map is easier to navigate (I.E. you can tell where you are in relation to those and the fence). Each column is REPRESENTATIVE of the barrels if there was a spot with two barrels I put a column, if there was one barrel, I put the top a fin, I wasn't just being lazy. Answered Questions Spoiler Sadly this is one thing I couldn't completely get to, I planned this for the last day, but got behind schedule... The ground IS bumpy, but only in the back areas, half of the time... they're the kind of bumps that happen only 1/4 of the time, but they HARDLY hurt anything seeing that they're in the back and rare, but they're there because merging THAT CLOSE to the top of the skybubble is ridiculously hard, but I will fix these. The gravity lifts are in the trucks to make sure people can't jump over the scaffolding, because if the scaffolding is as high as it can be, without the bottom going through the floor, it can be jumped over, the gravity lift is there to make sure nothing like that is happening. The map is at the top of the skybubble for two reasons, the first is that I can restrict the jump height, which wasn't actually the best choice because it really kills gameplay (when I was testing the jump I never considered that it could slow you down that much) but if people hate it that much turning gravity to 150 does solve this problem. And the second is that everything can be the correct height and unbreakable. I got stuck in the back of ToysRUs, luckily it was next to the Bionicles Actually I checked out the maps design a lot and it seemed pretty solid, the gameplay is pushed towards a counter clockwise flow from the open barrels in the back, and the spawns can't all be visible from one point, so no matter what if there is a 2v2 going down, the spawns are really hard to camp, and behind the cars, if you camp those, you are easily flanked, its a simple layout but it works really well, especially for smaller games (split-screen). That should be It, but I'm sure I forgot something...Whatever... Download the map by clicking here
Downloading! Possiable one of the best MW1 remakes. At first I was like "awww whats up with all the shipment remakes!". Then Boom! I was stunned! The fact that you accually wrote everything down. Lolz BORING! I like the idea how you made those cars. They looked destoryed and not still in contact. I love it. 10/10 Meta!
Ummmm, dude, you are way to critical, and usually you don't have much room to talk, not that I am trying to start any kind of conflict but you usually have something negative to say about every map. And this is actually not a commonly used idea for a map, especially not for a remake, unless you mean sandbox is a common map choice, which then I see your point. Honestly this is the best shipment remake I've seen. Aside from everything being merged, everything that could be remade about shipment is there, I mean just look at it. Wonderful job. I mean- Whatever. This map is near perfect down to the last hill and car. The hill textures are something no one really remembers when making a remake but- 11/10 Good Job!!!
Wow, This map looks great. I was quite suprised when I read that you actually used an overhead view of shipment, a ruler, and a calculator to get the exact lengths of the containers. This looks extremely accurate to shipment from what I remember when I last played COD4. When i get back home I'll be sure to try it. Great Job - 10/10
Wow, this is by far the best Shipment remake I've seen so far, Meta. The way you made the gates and the cars is really cool, but the thing I like the most is that it's at the top of the skybubble, so that you can't jump high, just like in CoD. Oh, and the fact that you used a ruler and calculator to find the exact length of every object is what I like to call map dedication . The one and only problem I have with this map is that the ground looks really bumpy. If you ever get the chance you should try to merge those blocks better and make the ground nice and smooth. Sadly, though, it probably won't be in time for the contest . In conclusion, I really like this map. To be honest, I thought a Shipment remake would only be possible on Foundry, considering that Foundry has almost all the objects required for Shipment. But you proved me wrong, Meta.
Oh my god..... I've never played COD:MW, but I know of the map from watching friends or montages. The asthetics on this map are amazing! The cars look like cars, and the truck in the background, did indeed look like a truck. I could tell that the smaller triangular thing was a tent. This might actually take the first place spot in the FT Contest, but I would hate to be the judges... And one question, On the video you walked by something and it sounded like there was a gravity lift or man-cannon. What is it for?
:O I was going to post mine today... Hot damn that looks sexy though.. I can see you went out of your way to get all the details, hopefully seeing as I didn't, and I tried for gameplay, I will win. If not, you deserve it; I mean just look at all that work! Now I just have to make my post better, and We'll be just about even.
Congratulations Meta, you've made what is possibly the best Shipment remake ever. Kudos to you for forging it at the top of the sky bubble by the way, that'll earn you a ton of points in Originality. The fence looks beautiful, and the gameplay stays true to Shipment. Everything is precisely where it should be, and everything is at the height it should be. This is perfect. The only way someone could make a better Shipment remake is if they... Well... This is perfect. Thanks Meta, I'm keeping this on my hard drive to show to all of my friends who are fans of the original Shipment. By the way, when a map is perfectly remade, I'd have to say it's just about impossible to compete with it. Though I'm sure you've got something up your sleeves Pinohkio, you sound confident, and confidence is good. Good luck with the Foreign Treasures contest! I can't wait to find out who the winner will be!
Woah when I saw this my mind was blown to bits and before I saw this thread I judge the title and thought "great another shipment remake, I bet its just a new member with no knowledge about forging 101" but no, you made this perfect with math by using a calculator for precise angles and made the cars, as perfect as the game. This calls for a dowload!
Great job meta. I played this a few times today and it plays great. I love how you made it up against the ceiling of the sky bubble. The aesthetics are great and game-play is smooth. This map is defiantly solid competition for anyone in the contest.
I'm watching over this thread per request by Meta, (he's in ... Kentucky, or.. California... or Hawaii or ToyRUs, or something, for a few days.) The grav lift is to assure people cannot crouch jump over the railings in that particular spot. (I think he ran out of scaffolding so he couldn't add another rail.) Basically put, don't try to break the map, you're wasting time. ^-^ You, sir, have obviously not been around forgehub very long if the name "MetaWaddleDee" didn't instantly make you think "Oh god, as soon as this thread loads my mind is going to be blown from some awesome map of awesome."
lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol so true... he failed Anywayz, yeah i have to agree that this turned out really well, even though it is a remake of the biggest fail that CoD evere made...
Holy overboardness! I think the measurement part was awesome, and the best part was the "THIS IS BORING!" in the corner on the second picture. Anywho, this looks way more like the Shipment I know and hate from Modern Warfare. You did a hell of a job remaking it, I cannot believe how accurate this is! As soon as I saw the title I was like "Ah crap, another kid threw some boxes around and called it pretty." But I was still intrigued. Lo and behold, a beautiful remake including cars. Aboslutely awesome. As for playability, I have not played this one yet so I cannot really say much, but from the pictures, it looks like 'nade spamming fun. And the best part is, no airstrikes!! Stunning work, 5/5.
Sadly this is one thing I couldn't completely get to, I planned this for the last day, but got behind schedule... The ground IS bumpy, but only in the back areas, half of the time... they're the kind of bumps that happen only 1/4 of the time, but they HARDLY hurt anything seeing that they're in the back and rare, but they're there because merging THAT CLOSE to the top of the skybubble is ridiculously hard, but I will fix these. The gravity lifts are in the trucks to make sure people can't jump over the scaffolding, because if the scaffolding is as high as it can be, without the bottom going through the floor, it can be jumped over, the gravity lift is there to make sure nothing like that is happening. The map is at the top of the skybubble for two reasons, the first is that I can restrict the jump height, which wasn't actually the best choice because it really kills gameplay (when I was testing the jump I never considered that it could slow you down that much) but if people hate it that much turning gravity to 150 does solve this problem. And the second is that everything can be the correct height and unbreakable. I got stuck in the back of ToysRUs, luckily it was next to the Bionicles Actually I checked out the maps design a lot and it seemed pretty solid, the gameplay is pushed towards a counter clockwise flow from the open barrels in the back, and the spawns can't all be visible from one point, so no matter what if there is a 2v2 going down, the spawns are really hard to camp, and behind the cars, if you camp those, you are easily flanked, its a simple layout but it works really well, especially for smaller games (split-screen).
I have the same calculator Mathematics aside, I got a game of 2v2 on this a couple days ago, which played beautifully. Spawns were great, there was definetly no way of breaking the map and the aesthetics aren't like any found on other Shipment remakes. The only complaint I have is the inability to ninja people due to the forced decreased jump height, which I thought was a very clever innovation in your pursuit of the most accurate map title. Spectacular job man, it pains me to hear people say that this map is terrible for the sole reason that Shipment is the simplest and easiest map to remake. Ah well...
TI-83 nub... get the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition This looks great! The last time I saw it, it was just a flat floor really close to the skybubble. Downloading now to see yet another epic creation from Meta!
Shipment Map Review Reviewed by a non-Review Hub member EnjoymentUpon loading up the day the Foreign Treasures contest started, I was disappointed when I saw that entries could be remakes of maps from the first Modern Warfare. From then on I foresaw the submissions thread becoming flooded by Shipment remake after Shipment remake. Each remake worse than the next just piling on top of each other like a herd of dead cattle. But out of this pile of dead cattle emerged MetaWaddleDee's epic creation; Shipment. No, this remake didn't receive a fancy new name, or even thread images made by MultiLockOn. This Shipment remake is what it is, and that's a good thing for Meta. Oh, and it was funny for me to see that you tried to make a custom Search and Destroy gametype as well. I tried that awhile back, and let's just say that Halo 3 isn't a suitable game for SnD. Back to the enjoyability of this Shipment remake though. I've had a fantastic time in every match played on this map! My most recent one being Headchute, and believe me, it was fantastic. Nothing is more satisfying that running full speed around a corner and getting blasted in the face by a sniper rifle. The spawns were sometimes iffy, but that's only because there's a total of four corners, and of course you'll occasionally see someone respawn if you've got teammates spread out in each corner of the map. The most satisfying moments in the original Shipment were those when I was wielding an M16 and blasting caps in people's asses like nobody's business. Though I can't have an M16 in Halo 3, the Battle Rifle will do just fine. In summary the only complaint I have regarding the enjoyability on Shipment is that the closeness to the top of the sky bubble restricts jump height, and the spawns are iffy. Though both of these are exactly like they were in the original Shipment, they do mess with enjoyability especially when I feel like I'm playing Team Slayer in a cave with an invisible roof. Rating - 7/10 BalanceNothing maintain's balance more than an "almost" symmetrical box filled with boxes. The original Shipment felt a little too cluttered, and small. And when you pack in one-shot kill grenades that can be thrown and launched into a small, cluttered map, you get just about the worst gameplay money can buy. However, in MetaWaddleDee's remake of Shipment, he managed to maintain balance by avoiding what Infinity Ward casually stepped into. Meta did not go into the game code and invent a grenade launcher, and Meta certainly did not come up with an innovation that made grenades more powerful. Congratulations Meta, you managed to maintain the chaos where it had once existed. No longer shall your team lose the game due to spawn trapping. Unless one team has two players sitting in each corner of the map (Which would be going against Meta's recommendation of 2-6 players), then eventually the opposing team will spawn where their enemies are not. The weapon placement is just about symmetrical, and there are obviously no routes that one team can get to faster than the other team. This is the perfect amount of balance Meta, but the spawns can get a little iffy when the whole game's running circular like it's supposed to. By this I mean everybody's moving in a clockwise or counter-clockwise location killing everything in sight. Unless there in a formal line, eventually spawn killing will begin. This did occasionally happen in 3v3 matches, but only rarely in 2v2 and 1v1. Rating - 8/10 DurabilityWhen a member of Forge Hub that is illiterate, lazy, or dumb steps into the thread for Meta's Shipment remake, they will instantly assume it is breakable. ATTENTION ILLITERATE, LAZY, DUMMIES!!! THIS MAP IS NOT BREAKABLE IN ANY WAY! I could turn the speed up to mambo, and the gravity down to 0% and this map would still not be breakable, trust me, I've tried. With Meta's extreme creativity, he's managed to build his Shipment remake so high up in the sky bubble of Sandbox that the walls are actually touching the top of the sky bubble. What is the result? A Shipment remake that keeps players in the map by use of an invisible wall! That's so incredibly innovative! Props on that Meta, if I could give you more than 10, I would. Rating - 10/10 AestheticsWhen Meta approached his Shipment remake and looked it right in the eye, he said "I'm going to forge you with the absolute intent of making all the other Shipment remakes look like fools! Mwuahahahahahaha!" No, MetaWaddleDee didn't really say that, or at least I don't think he did. But what I do know is that Meta forged this Shipment remake from the ground up with the exact measurements as the original Shipment. Each box is the exact height, length, and width as they were in the original Shipment.. The size of the whole map is the exact height, length, and width as the original Shipment. Meta's even included some buildings and trucks (Truck?) built in the background for players to admire, and to serve as navigation tools for players. The destroyed cars, lonesome barrels, and gates serving as barriers were not done the easy way by Meta. Meta actually forged destroyed cars out of stone bridges and wedges. Meta actually forged barrels out of columns (Lolwut?). Meta actually forged the gates serving as barriers with scaffoldings and wall halves. Congratulations Meta, you didn't get lazy and replace the cars with warthogs, the barrels with nothing, and the gates with poorly interlocked walls. The aesthetics on this Shipment remake are exactly as I remembered them from the original Shipment. So what if the floors don't have little patches of grass, or if you can't see the light blue sky? These are un-controlled aesthetics that might appear if you sit on this Shipment remake for a couple days. I mean, Sandbox has gotta have a day version, right? Excellent aesthetics Meta, I couldn't have done it any better myself. Rating - 10/10 OriginalityThough most people would think it impossible to make an original remake, Meta proved them all wrong. By choosing to forge his remake of Shipment near the roof of the sky bubble, Meta was forging the most original Shipment remake ever. Almost every other Shipment remake I have seen was either forged on the ground level of Sandbox, the crypt, or on Foundry. Every single one of these was escapable. Leave it to Meta to find a way around this major problem that kept on repeating itself in the past. From the original gated walls, to the original broken down cars, to the VERY original dumpsters, I'd have to say this is as original as you can get when remaking Shipment. I still can't believe Meta made dumpsters on Sandbox, but he did. The only ways you could have gone the extra mile are if you had included the ability to choose a class, or I guess killstreaks. But you made the whole floor of Shipment... And golly, most ground floor Shipment remakes can't even handle a wall barrier that's two walls high. Perfect job on originality Meta. Let's just say this one's staying on my hard drive forever. Rating - 10/10 Enjoyment Rating: 7/10 Balance Rating: 8/10 Durability Rating: 10/10 Aesthetics Rating: 10/10 Originality Rating: 10/10 Total Rating: 45/50 //Map Rating\\ 9
I hope you realized those overheads are not 100% perfect to the actual map and one is on an angle. when you where makeing it proportionately.
The background pieces? Of course they aren't I was running super close to the object limit and time limit. And there's supposed to be four Huge buildings...