Baby Steps Whoah a post yesterday and two posts today? This man is insane! AHHH!!!!! Erhm, now that that is out of my system, I present to you the wonder, beauty, and pure constipation that is- Baby Steps. The story behind this map was that I wanted to do a follow up to my Aperture map, but I just couldn't top it. So I made a jumping puzzle\map. Now, I just want to make it extremely clear that THIS MAP IS VERY HARD and should be played in forge or carbine, although you can use my previous jumping gametype if you want. Say cheese cuz its picture time. Map - : Halo 3 File Details Gametype (although you should use forge) - : Halo 3 File Details Next up - Tank Run, an Asset-like map made for infection. I have been working on it for quite some time, so it's gonna be good. Well I'm going to Puerto Rico for about 12 days, so check out my maps and screenshots. Asta Lavista, Baby!
If you put some details in your thread that would help a bunch. Because if you download this map then you will have no clue where to go or what to do. The map does look challenging and well thought out. I would suggest interlocking a bit more and cleaning it up a bit.
Welcome to Forge Hubs bunnyfromhell Hope you injoy your stay here / I Love a Challenge Puzzle map and this should Make me a Happy Person anyways 5/5 for having a Hard map
He can't give too much away, its a puzzle map. Besides, if you start up a game, it should be fairly obvious what you're supposed to do. Well, it was for me anyways. : P ... Well, you weren't lying when you said this was hard. I consider myself a master at all things vertical, but your map had me beat. would put this right up there with the Flaming Ninja series. You have a pretty nice map, by the way. It looks good, regardless of what anyone says about Interl0x (It actually is interlocked, so I don't really get where their complaint is coming from). I'm just wondering though, was this map at all inspired by the honeycomb climbing level from Super Mario Galaxy? It looks a lot like it.
No I haven't played that game but thank you very much it was kind of inspired by this jumping map i made in the bottom of heretic underneath now THAT was hard.