From the dark depths of Vyctoriouz and Sir Toppum Hat's bag of goodies, comes Sentinel: a remake from Unreal Tournament 3. It features an essentially two sided layout due to the wall that runs down the middle. The wall itself, though, is riddled with doorways and windows leading to the other side. Arched doorways can be seen in many areas, as well as an abundance of small ramps that create many height variations. The map plays at a very fast pace, requiring each player to keep a careful watch over the main power weapon spawns: Overshield, Sniper, and Rockets. There are also BRs, a carbine, plasmas, and a mauler; all of which should also be accounted for, but are not nearly as critical to winning. For those of you who haven't seen the original map from UT3, here's a gameplay video that might help your understanding of the layout: YouTube - Unreal Tournament 3 - Team Deathmatch Sentinel Mouse over to see a comparison between the original and our version. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Action shots: Update 6/30: Spawns, minor geometry changes, objectives, weapon timing. Update 2 6/30: Much harder to escape, stupid objective mistake fixed.
OMG!! This is awsome dued! Only by the picture i reconize the map from UT. You did a great job. I can't w8 to make some death match on it. this is a real 10/10.
hey great map. it was very fun. i like how you made the comparison when you hover over it with the mouse. very well made and i dont think it can be improved.
First words said after viewing: "Oh my god....that is BEAUTIFUL!" The aesthetics are so incredibly beautiful and the map itself has many different environments to play in. The effect also captures the gloominess that is portrayed in the actual map in Unreal Tournament.
Holy Crap! You honestly sold me at the second pic (which doesn't even look like something made in halo). Amazing, amazing job. I don't download maps often but I will certainly make an exception for this map. It has been said once and i'll say it again. You piss excellence, my friend. 10/10
This is the first map I've seen that I'm genuinely afraid this might win the FT competition. dammit time extension !!! lol But seriously good work with aesthetics. One glitch when near over shield this glowing orb appears like a flare, And it's possible to get on top of the map at least there's no weapons up there now Played one game. wasn't that fun because I lost and didn't get the power weapons which could of been fun on this map. And the Gate is hard to Shoot though and kill someone but is good for 1 shot's. You must of cheated and stole it from anther site or person :O!!! lol couldn't of made this in a month (no evidence just nervous now this map has been entered)
NO DAMAGE AMP? WHAT?!?!? Anyways, map flows fluidly but the majority of the map feels way too small. The feeling of the map works in Halo 3 extremely well, but the map plays differently from the conversion. Much of the action takes place on the high part of the map, while my countless duels against the computer usually result in the back corners of the map being the most frantic. The use of the lifts instead of the elevator is executed really well, as well as the lifts for jump pads. This is one of my favorite maps from UT3 and this is definetly some of the most fun I've had in Halo 3. A keeper for sure.
Ah, and here it is. I must say, I was astonished when I first saw this map beginning. With only the gate and the arches, the map still blew me away. I honestly don't see how this could possibly be improved upon. Well done, I can't wait for us to really get going on our next map.
All whining aside, this is an amazing map. Probably the greatest one entered in the contest. I'm not trying to flatter you. I'm not trying to kiss up. I'm trying to be honest: You are now guaranteed beyond all reasonable doubt to win the contest. Any Judge with half a mind in them will be able to tell how awe-inspiringly epic this map is. Congrats, . Congrats. Cheers, HarisSales.
Enjoy your new bean bag guys, this map is amazing. I was hoping the rumor that you wouldn't finish was true
This is gonna win. No doubt. So beautifully made and the coolest aesthetics. I love how it's right next to the guardian tower. It seems like you chose wisely on weapon placement. The only problem is that I've found a way on top. With a simple sticky nade jump I got out. This wouldn't be such a problem of you didn't stockpile it with a bunch of equipment and a few carbines and BRs. Still, it's an amazing map. Great job
Don't lose hope everyone this map plays horribly with racing gamtypes and almost all mini-games And there is a gaping hole in the wall by the mauler spawn pluse an easy grenade jump can get you over those double walls and down to the sand (but he didnt black the guardians so they kill you which sucks) anyway this map looks beutiful some of the best aesthetics around it plays eh OK not the best not the worst but the aesthetics are where it really shines. I especially love the floating orb of wisedom that shows me the way to victory! i stick with my rock hard 9/10 because in my opinion nothing can really deserve a 10 every map has a few flaws. Like that gold column that is a quarter mm off, that just cant do. Great job Vicky and Toppum
Well, i'm glad I didn't attempt anything for the contest, because let's face it. This map has the most face-melting aesthetics I've ever seen! The OS and mauler spawns are easily my favorite parts of the map because of their flawless aesthetics. I kind of agree with jakob on the gameplay. Some games it played like a charm, but a couple times I just wanted the game to end. I like just about everything this map has to offer, except one thing. Sometimes the light from the guardian can be a bit distracting in certain spots. So far my vote is torn between this and Campgrounds.
You did a great job man. Setinal was my favrite map in Unreal Tournament and the recreation is incredible, Iwll be sure to play on the map for a gameplay review.
Wow. Never played UT, was always a huge Quake fan, but after watching the vid and pic comparisons this looks like one of the most accurate remakes I've ever seen. Love the ascetics, absolutely stunning. Defiantly worth a download. Amazing job.
First of all, I must say that there is no doubt that you will win this contest. Your map is awsome and impecable. A note 10/10 easily and keeper for me. And I wish you the favory of bungie. Unfortunately, I have found a simple way of breaking your map and it lead to the weapons that you displayed on the top of the map. With all those bubble shields and weapons, it would be really easy to destroy anybody from this tower. Here is a video which show the method: Video
This map is somewhat breakable fellows, sorry to inform you a little late. I realize that there is one video above me, but if there is one way to do it there is probably another easy one. Also, the gameplay is only average! >:O ANGRYFACE! A map that is this good is expected to have good gameplay! Anyway, overall because of many factors this map is fun, decent gameplay wise, out-****ing-standing aesthetically, and such a damn accurate remale of the original. UT ftw
The newer version I added earlier today doesn't have the original weapons up there, so there's no need to worry about that anymore. But as for the video you sent me, I'll go watch it and see what I can do about the break you showed as well as the ones I already know about. EDIT: I watched your video, and that's already been fixed today so download the newer version. Thanks for your concern, though. Well guys, thanks for the replies, but none of these help! If you're going to comment on the gameplay give some advice on how to fix it don't just say its bad. If you find more ways out, let me know and I'll try to fix them. Thank you all for the amazing comments, though. Toppum and I are really glad you guys enjoy the map!
This. Is. BEAUTIFUL! I've never played UT3, and this makes me wanna go buy it to see how well the original compares to the Halo 3 version. Outstanding job, Vicky and Toppum. I cannot wait to load up a game of Slayer on this bad boy. Once again, damn good job you guys did.