Hello Forgehubbers <3 Nyte here bringing you another map preview, not for Asymilate either, this is for a new 1v1 map that has no design plan what-so-ever. Quick background story. I went into Irony's forge game to help him with his map and gave him a few ideas and then i left his game and said hey Irony, i have an idea, lets forge a random 1v1 map. He said yea he was down and so the forging began...sorta. i placed a random block and we just built off of that singular block and its has progressed into something that actually looks pretty good. At first we had no idea what to name it so i said I-ron-yte, but Riff Raff change the pronunciation from Eye Ron Yte, to Eye Rah Night --> Ironyte. Now Irony and I have agreed to give you ONE singular picture until the map is released. And here it is. Thank you, and the map will be release most likely later this week.
It looks well forged. I can see some grass too which always is good for aesthetics. Good luck with everything, I hope it turns out good. It looks like you have put some decent effort into this, with my only concern being that it might not have a very good layout due to the fact that you started from scratch, but who am I to say, i've never in my life made an actual plan for map. So again, good luck and happy forging!
Doesnt really show much? I'm guessing it's an all indoor map otherwise the picture wouldnt have been taken so low to the floor...? All I really get from it is, there's a purple light in it...
its a 1v1 map and its really small so i couldnt really take a picture without basically giving away all of it. ha
haha it is, it played well for a 1v1, but we had a 5 person ffa and it was horrible. Irony fixed my fail lift, and im gonna do a little moar ascetically to the map first before we release it.
Lol it wasn't really a fail, it just felt a little bit to cramped for me. Then again we were having a five-person FFA lol.
Actually, I hope to finish it by the end of this weekend. At the rate we're going I'm really convinced that we are going to be able to finish it.
It does look very clean so far but one picture is really enough to given a general feedback so far in the status of the map construction.