HI! this is l1ght2dark and i just recently set up an acc and thought id upload some fun maps for you guys! this is my first upload but it has some killer designs and some good merging here and there. This is Z0mb1e L0ckd0wn an infection map sure to keep you running and having fun. Ok so how it works! this is the alpha zombie spawn alpha zombie has 1000 damage res and 4x overshield!!! sounds impossible eh? dont worry though hes extremely fat from eating doughnuts and human brains so hes very slow and can barely get his feet off the ground. w8 him out until the grav lift spawns and sends you to the next room! can you see these hidden fire gernades??? i sure cant Heres a pic of the 1st hallway the grav lift appears in! better hope the alpha dont get to u before u can go up! after youve gone up the life into the first portal your in this lovely bright r00m. the turret r00m! this room holds some snipers and a machine gun turret to keep the zombies at bay while the grave life spawns to knock a chunk of the wall out of your way! after youve mastered the turret r00m your on your way to the final stronghold this base has everything from rockets to beam rifles. those pesky zombies will get mowed down from the sniper tower....but beware the alpha zombie! be sure to use the portal as an escape route back to the beggining!! heres an overveiw of the map ill be making many more later!! if you think something is missing be sure to tell me! heres a link for map and game variant map variant Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details game variant http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=114179901&fset=138179
Might I suggest not using obnoxious letter-number swaps in the title of your map? It's completely unnecessary, the normal letters work just fine. As for the map, it seems to be well forged. I'll give it a DL (even though I hate fat kid style maps) and edit this post with a review later. Edit: I finally got a game played on this. Wasn't to enthusiastic because it was fat kid, but it played like any fat kid game would, except you should remove the lighting fx and the vehicles. Its an OK map.
I would deffinitly get rid of the FX, it makes the lights look too bright and blinding. I would also get rid of the Wraith because usually, vechicles in Infection maps are not really a good thing.
Thanks for the feedback! and the wraith is there because it looks sexy i meant to make it where people couldnt use vehicles so it dont matter to the infected also the fx makes it look dark and lights up the room which is a good mix --- if ur gonna say it could be improved say where lol
I'd be kind of concerned if you got off on the Wraith. That said, minus the 1337 sp3ak and the incredible glare, 'tis not bad. An interesting, doughnut-and-brain-fattened, variation on the Fat Kid game-type/map. -=Moxus=-
i know not many people like the fat kid gametype but i played on one and it was terribly made so i tryed to make one way better! my next infection maps will be all normal with alot of space and some good forging