this map was created by me Dark Unforsaken, send friend request if you want. MLG Downturn is a 4v4 ctf and slayer map. this was the hardest and most skilled map i have made yet. It is played with mlg down ctf. please leave comments or msg me if you like it. sorry this is my first post so idk how to put pics up but anyways just check my map out. FULL MAP VIEW blue team spawn red team spawn is the same as blue. snipe spawn custom spawn
Somebody, please tell me why all of Bl00d F1R3s video tutorials get ignored? It effin walks you through everything... Even i managed to do it right my first time, and im retarded. Oh wait, i cant even find the link. I think that the link should be the first thing anybody ever sees when entering forgehub, someone got it fore this guy? Okay, host your image on a website, copy the URL, then paste it and tag it with this bbcode; [noparse][/noparse]
Woah dude, we knows your a n00b and whatever, but please atleast look around for tutorials on how to post pix before you post. Dont be lazy, and show respect to people who have been here longer than you have. Recap! Your a noob, we understand DONT BE LAZY! Look for tuts, if you cant find one, ask in the chat box, SIMPLE! And show some flippen respect.
That anger was directed at the guys who lost the link to the most well thought out tutorial ever, if i can find it ill send it to you. And if you call me a ***** one more time ill get Sarge on your ass. I be no ***** pl0x :O Sorry bout that, can you put a link to the screenshots on up? If you can do that, i can show you how to embed them. Deal? --- Not needed, dont want to flame this thread out just yet.
Here's a really good tutorial on how to embed screenshots. And you could probably calm yourself down a bit, jesus.
Hello and Welcome to Forgehub! You are new to the forums, so i suggest that you take a look at the Rules first. Your map post is not up to standards. Please fix this as soon as possible. Here is a very good tutorial that uses the old=fashioned method of embedding pictures.
Hello, & welcome to Forge Hub! Hello, welcome to Forge Hub. Just wanted to say, besides the absent of pic's and a proper download and description this thread is okay for your first time. I have seen people who don't even know how to post a download. also you should label the download link, don't add it to the description. Hope you enjoy Forge Hub, and may i suggest to upload ur pic's then to post on Forge Hub. Also forgot to say that you can't have a link the the pic's you have to embed them.
Despite the ill-mannered attitude and the lack of pictures I would like to compliment you. The map itself looks pretty good to be honest. But you on the other hand need to calm down the f*ck down.
Thread locked as it is not up to standards. If the thread starter would like to PM me or a moderator when they are able to bring this up to official standards, and we'll open it up again. Also, i'm gonna infract those who flamed/spammed.