Hi i'm BigBatista7067. I never got into forge until I downloaded sandbox. I am good at making maps but I am not that good. If anyone can spare like 30 min or a hour to help me out that would be great my gamertag is my user name. I know all the controls so don't worry. I don't suck that much.
Hey man, welcome to Forge Hub! As for help, I would check out the Forge 101 section. It's got a lot of great guides and tutorials. So, yeah, I hope you enjoy your stay here, and don't forget to read the rules!
Welcome to ForgeHub! I'd end up writing the same thing as Panncakez, so yes, I could help out out with forging. I can give you about half an hour of my time tomorrow to teach you some forging techniques, unless I have plans that I don't know of (you know what I'm talking about if you've ever had a girlfriend ). In that case, you'd want to check out this forum board or specifically these threads: Ghost Merging Interlocking Objects Unlimited Budget Glitch (really helpful for making large maps!) Again, welcome to Forge Hub, be sure to read the rules, and if you don't stay with us, enjoy your stay! P.S. Hope to see you making maps when Reach comes out!
Thanks guys for the welcome. I love this community already due to the fact it seems the members are very active. I read the rules and will check out the tutorials later I perfer to have someone next to me so its much easier to know what forgers and players alike look for in maps. And Mongoose I don't have plans but my bro likes to play to. So give me your gamertag and I will contact you on XBL. But I will try to be on tom. Be on from 3:00 - 7:00 estern time.
Right, my Gamertag Is [highlight]Apache Mongoose[/highlight]. I'll try to be on tomorrow, but there's no guarantees. I'd recommend checking out the threads I linked.
Hu my name is xXx Shadow xXx and i can Hepl you have i have GMC (GhostMergeCanvas) And UBG (UnlimitedBudgetGlitch) Sandbox If you wanna fool around on it send me a Message on Live GT : X RS Sniper X