Hai u guys. PWNAGEStudioz here and we're here to present to u... ANOTHER MOAR 20 WAYS TO DIE IN HALO 3 If u guys have watched the series of "20 Ways to Die in Halo 3", then u know it will make u LOL So nuff said, let's watch! YouTube - Another Moar 20 Ways to Die in Halo 3 (Episode 4)
This is better than the past episodes. The camera angles now look more professional, mainly because it now stays in the same place most of the time instead of moving everywhere
Hahaha i agree with Emos. This one made me lol hardcore at a few places Really good job, keep them coming pl0x!
Meh, it seemed like alot of them were just "die from _________" *change teams in forge to kill spartan model*. Most of them were unoriginal, and the constant drastic song changes was, to be frank, annoying. The only part that I thought was semi humorous was the part with the chainsaw, the rest, just meh.
Thanks for the comments, both critisizing and positive. @Noxiw We'll try 5th episode (maybe the last episode) to be the best. As our group grows in PWNAGEStudioz, we try to at least give other people chances, so please don't blame some of the ideas (or acting) you find insulting or "lame". And if you notice, RAWRitsKyuubi and I (Jantheman21) choose some different people in each video.