Im asleep for 3 hours and I get front paged alot with some other stuff happening on other sites. Why do I miss this kinda stuff lol.
Newly retired doesn't work for all the mods either, who were loyal a year ago, and haven't been since then. And I think all the blue, red, and yellow won't match the theme purple either. Hence, they're made purple. I believe the key phrase we are seeing here is "ALL PREVIOUS LOYALS". 2007-2010 Half of these people haven't been loyal for two years. They're all mods now. So I don't think "recently retired" would fit them either. They haven't even retired. You did use to be a journalist, right? DQ and TDF are not listed either. Now, I'm probably sounding like an ass to you guys right now. Which, I probably am. Truth is, I don't know myself. I've done this for so long. Let me tell you a secret way to not getting angry at my posts. If you think of my posts like this: Spoiler "Almost new" dusn' work for all the mods either, who were purple unicorns a year ago, and haven't been since then luuuulz. Spoiler Purple unicornzzzzzzz ( *3*) And I think all the blue, red, yellow, would make a awsum rainbow . I believe the key phrase we are all seeing here is "titz or GTFO". SINCE THE INTERNET BABY. > 98% of these people haven't been loyal for two years. If you are one of the 2%, who the **** cares? Why? They were in magical fairy rainbow land of course. So I don't think "real people" would fit them either. They haven't even made babies yet. D: Isn't obvious? Colonel Frag Man here, making your day 100% less enjoyable, one post at a time. *blast off* >:I Spoiler Here's some animes to make you happy You won't get offended. I SEE YOU. Spoiler
Many of the people in that list were mods in the past, but none of them are anymore. I'll put this simply: Everyone on that list, aside from past ranks, occupied the rank of Loyal right up until the 28th of June, and didn't occupy said rank after the 28th of June. This does not apply to Reyn, nor does it apply to DQ or TDF. Used. And yes I did, but again you're incorrect. No one on that list 'hasn't been Loyal for 2 years'. It was made to commemorate those who left the Loyal rank as it changed on the 28th of June, and this applies to every single name on there. Many on that list were so inactive you wouldn't even know they still held the rank (one of the factors in the Loyal reshake in itself), but they still held the Loyal rank. Already dealt with. The only point in this post which is arguably valid is the 'All Previous Loyals look here' as a thread title, since even aside from Reyn/DQ/TDF/(what about others? Mallet? Kap?), 'all previous Loyals' could indeed be classed as including current Staff (of which, I repeat, none are included on that list). Maybe KB knew this full well and was inviting those which the statement, but not the image, applies to in here as a mean dig at them not being included. Or maybe, just maybe, he was trying to make a nice little gesture about the recent change and didn't think it necessary to consider every single possible aspect of pedantic niggling which could be pulled out. Maybe he was trying to do something nice for those who were retired in good faith, after a discussion with admittedly differing stances, but ultimately not as a point of conflict at all. Maybe, just maybe, putting Reyn, DQ, TDF etc. in there would have been completely irrelevant to what he was trying to do and only tinged this with unfortunate things from the past. Wait, there are people who don't read your posts like this already? I actually got a really cool browser add on recently, it's specifically designed to automatically convert posts from yourself in the above fashion. To me, the post and the text inside the spoiler appear exactly the same, the wonders of technology, eh? EDIT: I see Insane lurking. I know, dude, don't feed the trolls. I'll stop, no need to turn this thread away from the nice gesture that it is. It's just so damn fun, and I gotta enjoy my new lack of responsibility a tiny bit, right? .
Now this IS my fault. I'm not that active, and I don't have any information on who's mod, and who's not. I couldn't care less, I just want them to die. From MY understanding, Klink, DrawingMan, and some of the others were a Gaurdian rank. I'm most likely wrong. Don't ****ing talk about it then. Now half of that post wasn't even needed. All that was necessary was informing me of who was loyal up to that date. I never cared about his "good" deeds, or did I ever insult it. All I simply stated was; "You forgot reyn." Now I don't know how you came up with that conspiracy theory, but that was reeeaaaaally stupid of you. Don't run if you're not being chased, and don't protect something when it's not in danger. Or opposite of what you're doing. Like I said, you're not going to get attacked, and you never were. If you want to have your little ***** fight, do it somewhere else. Nobody is trolling if we're discussing what's on topic. Now just clarify those things for me.
Frag Man, you're retarded. you started the '***** fight' with your extremely dickish post with an idiotic spoiler that did nothing to lighten the negative tone of your pointless argument. You knew you'd piss somebody off with your post, you even said it, so dont make it look like pegasi's 'running without being chased'. YOU didnt make the design under discussion, you have no right to speak for what it should and shouldn't be. now please, shut the **** up. Kidbomber made something cool for recently demoted loyals, (which isn't you by the way) don't ruin the thread with useless arguments.
Chuck, you're retarded. you entered the '***** fight' with your extremely dickish post with an idiotic manner that did nothing to lighten the negative tone of the pointless argument. You knew you'd piss somebody off with your post, you even said it, so dont make it look like pegasi's 'running without being chased'. KB, can I get that texture you used for the BG? Please and thank you. I think that the WP should have a little more meat on its bones, but simplicity is your style. :3
Predictable argument....sad... I really like it KB, it is touch to find the history of all loyals and decide who and who should not be included, but overall you still did a great job with it.
WTF is this? Seriously? Frag Man I know you like to troll, but seriously..couldn't you have come in with a better argument than "what about Reyn, TDF and DQ". Who gives a **** about them. They aren't included in this funfest. /pointless, idiotic discussion. I don't want to see it stirred up again.
What the hell? You guys, WHEN did this turn into a bitching fight? Damn it, I must really suck at trying to make my post NOT offensive. I just spent thirty minutes on that post to make people laugh. NOPE. Chuck has to ruin it. Way to drag it off topic completely. I really hope you're being sarcastic, because your post just caused the entire argument on "who" should be on the list, to "Frag Man is a ****." The irony. I'm usually the one who kills a thread.
if that's your way of making people laugh, NEVER pursue to be a comedian. for the sake of the world. and you are a **** for coming in here trying to stir the pot. this is not a thread for getting people pissed off.
Had the conditions been different, it would have been funny. I've done that before, and there has been people who laughed. I just wanted to point out what I thought was correct, when in the end it wasn't.
I made this for people who were on the list at the time. Not before or have turned into another rank. There is no need to have an argument, or something that was made for fun and to cheer up people who enjoyed the ride as loyal. /thread.