About a week ago, I decided to do a Star Wars map. I couldn't think of anything until I realized the hill on Sandbox was perfect for the hilltop command post on Geonosis from Battlefront 2. I got to work and I have now completed all command posts. Republic Command Post 1: Spire Republic Command Post 2: Bunker Republic Command Post 3: Ship Hull Neutral Hilltop Command Post: Bunker CIS Command Post 1: Frontline Bunker CIS Command Post 2: Rear Bunker CIS Command Post 3: Hangar This is what I have so far. I intend to build cover and the spires found in the actual map with the appoximate $300 budget that I have left. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Star Wars.. the good ol days.. Geonosis is kind of hard map to pull off.. Most of the map consists of rocky terrain.. Atleast you got most of the map down.. I cant really remember the whole map but you definietly have the spire there.. Only if you had enought money for an AT TE? or AT AT? i forget already..
Thanks Turtle It is really difficult to pull off the terrain, trust me. I feel like I did my best and I'm just adding minor cover here and there...Oh, and it's the AT-TE that you're talking about. I just used a scorpion due to the resemblance with the turret. The AT-TE
I have no clue what you said in your first post because I do not play Star Wars nor have I watched all of the movies, but I can still say this: Looks very Star Warsy Looks very sexy I like where you are going with this. Keep it up!
Tips one problem i can see is that this map is huge and speed will probably need to be increased wich will make game play weird. unless you wanted to make it a hero match like on mos eisley and give everyone swords (lightsabers), hammers (force push), and infinate grenades (force lightning). to make it even better make it ito a Territories game to keep the origanal spirit of battle froent alive. failing that i would suggest increasing speed but not gravity and giving the republic 1 scorpion (AT-TE) and 2 warthogs (IF-T) and give the sepertists 2 choppers (those weird tracked rolly things) and scince the spider droid cant be made add in 2 prowlers to be the droid battle tanks. plus put attackers (republic) forced color white and AR pistol strarts and deffenders (sepertists ) forced color tan or brown and Plasma Rifle setinal beam starts
Thanks for the compliment. I'm really excited for how it's going to turn out. Yes I know, this map is very, VERY large. Speed will play a big role while I'm working on gametypes. Also, thanks for the advice with the gametypes. I wasnt intending on a Hero/Villain mode but I just might now. Also, I added a scorpion and 2 choppers before I even looked at this post but I probably add more vehicles. For the gametypes, I also already set the Republic that way, but you can't start players with Plasma Rifles or Sentinal beams . Thank you for the advice, it was very helpful.
I ♥ That game. If only.... However i severly doubt that it will translate well to Halo 3. But if you can manage to pull it of, super cookie to you. Right now, it looks like it will be WAAAAY too open, and that might kill the gameplay...