I have some amazing gametype ideas involving The Flood in Halo: Reach. I understand that they don't get unleashed until after Reach gets destroyed, so technically it wouldn't make since to include them in the campaign, but they can still put them in multiplayer. Here are my ideas: 1) An infection gametype where the infected actually become The Flood. It would be really sweet if we got to play as them. And maybe instead of respawning as the infected, you actually change right then and there. How creepy would it be to see your buddies transform right in front of your eyes? 2) A firefight gametype where you have to fight off increasingly difficult waves of Flood. I think this would be played best on a smaller map where there aren't many places to go. This would make the player feel hopeless, giving it that creepy feeling. Let me know what y'all think about these ideas and feel free to post your own as well. Thanks for reading. -Skisma
^^No **** chrst! lawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawl but on topic, that would be so badass if they added that, but they prolly wont. Still, fingers crossed!
Yea, cool ideas, but I'm givin it a 1 in 50 chance of actually being in the game. 3?) A flood slayer where you run pretty fast and have pretty low health. Maybe kinda a fiesta thing on weapons because of what kind of body you are (marine, elite, etc)
A Halo game without the Parasitic Flood? That's like a Halo game without Brutes! Wait... ----- In all seriousness, The ideas suggested are pretty cool. Unfortunately this is just another speculation. Bungie has recently hit ZBR (I believe) and if they're pulling porcupines and space squirrels from the finished product because of their special interferences to the engine, then the only way there could be a chance that your specific proclamation could be remotely realized would be if the company coined the idea months ago. Happy patience hunt! I agree though. It'd be nice if they were included somewhere somehow.
1) The thing that makes fighting flood fun is that they can't see you so they just fart, I mean spray, in your general direction...and you can shoot their arms off...and they're easy to kill...and they don't quit when they get killed constantly Now how should we make a playable character have terrible aim. We could just allow him to see only for one second out of every five. Wait I would quit a game if it was like that. 2) If you want enemies that fail as much as flood, just go play normal firefight on easy.
Okay, clearly you don't understand the way video game developing and designing works Pyro. If Bungie wanted to make The Flood a playable character in multiplayer, they could make alterations to fit the multiplayer experiance. They don't have to impair the players vision just because thats how it is in the campaign. I think many people would love the option to play as the creepy, infected marines or elites. I'd like to see you take on countless amounts of flood with 3 of your friends on legendary, while being trapped in a small, limited space. Flood that fail? I dont know what kinda of flood your talking about, but last time I checked The Flood were pretty devastating.
The flood could be on Reach campaign seeing how bungie screwed it up so Brutes are on the covenant forces when they haven't even joined yet...
What in sams hell are you talking about son? The flood were EASILY the hardest enemies of the game... the covenant were weak and retarded and if it werent for vehicles and grenades nothing more than annoying, even on legendary. The reason this game was so hard is the ****ing Cortana level, the hardest Halo level to date. And you say that the flood are WEAK??? Im sincerely confused.... yoyo is signing out of this one...
This is incorrect. Just because Halo CE showed us no brutes doesnt mean they didnt exist. That was one spartans point of view. An isolated incident.
fighting the flood fun because its difficult, scary, and hectic. firefight would be perfect. do you remember the flood levels on legendary in halo ce and halo 2?
The Brutes were in the fight, if you read the books. Also, I believe that, as u saw them in the start of Halo 2, they were normally just prison guards. Also, they joined the Covenant around 2495 (I said around). I know Halo. Also, the idea of Flood in multiplayer would be awesome. But, think about the bad side to the infection one....... it would make the gametypes that just use infection as a base to make 2 different teams would be screwed. But then again, we could use Spartans vs. Elites for that And definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY make it so people become infected on the spot. You could kill them as they're infected like in Halo 3!
i guess you haven't played halo combat evolved on legendary.. dude, you don't even want to know how much hell that is
First, calm down. Second, somebody already corrected him and it was unnessesary for you to do it again
I actually had a cool idea to include the Flood and Forerunner structures in the Campaign. Well, we all know that the Covenant glassed Reach. And we all know that the Forerunners were once spread out over the whole galaxy. So, what if near the end of the Campaign, the Covenant had destroyed most of the UNSC forces, and began excavating Forerunner structures from the ground? Maybe Reach was covered with Forerunner artifacts, and the Covenant never had any intentions to glass Reach. But, a damaged, unresponsive Covenant ship comes out of slipspace, and crashes into Reach. Of course, the ship is filled with Flood. The Covenant the glass Reach out of panic, to stop the Flood. So, what do you think?
I remember reading the book before the Halo based book, and it contained them under Jiralhanae. Also, Plasma Elite Rifle.. no point changing the entire story just to involve the flood. Personally, I want to experience a new halo WITHOUT the flood in campaign. Although, including them in MP would be quite nice. Especially if you got to pick your class of flood first (Like bulbous head / warrior things) to kill your enemies in different ways etc...
I think it would be cool to have the flood in certain parts of the game. I'm going to agree with Steve in that I wouldn't really want to see them in the campaign. And i'm not sure it would play all that well in multiplayer either. Don't get me wrong, it would awesome to control the different flood classes, it's just that most flood are really weak, especially to certain weapons. It would be really cool to be the flood in infection. As far as the campaign goes, I think we'll have enough challenges to worry about. Unless...... flood in space!!
Haha, how would that work? Do they have their own fighters or do you just have to dodge those big blob things as they are hurled at your spacecraft?
It was a joke, they would just probably just aimlessly float around until some aircraft splattered them. The more I think about it though, being flood could work in custom games. If you have the same controls over how much health we could give them, it just might work.