Whenever I set up a custom infection game where the zombies can pick up weapons it never lets them in the game. If anyone can help me with this problem I would greatly appreciate it
Moved to Forge Discussion. Also, you need to be more specific. When you say "it never lets them in the game" do you mean the zombies or the weapons? And by "letting them in" do you mean in the map, or do you mean it disallows them something in some way? Try to be a bit more concise so we know the problem you're having and how we can help you.
Assuming you mean a zombie can't pick up a weapon thats in front of him him, you need to have the Zombie and Alpha Zombie traits both say Weapon Pickup: Enabled. I don't think there would be any other reason for this.
Lmao Buddha you pretentious wanker.. Also.. on topic, as previously mentioned you need to ensure weapon pick up is enabled for the right players. It might be worth checking the custom power up settings aswell if you end up using those in your matches because again, they also have different traits. You find those traits under Weapons and Vehicles (surprisingly)
If your question is actually about respawn traits then they need to die once for it to activate. Simply have the zombies fall off a cliff at the start and then the traits will work. If this wasnt what you wanted the above posts should suffice.