Sisyphus (a puzzle map)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Donomite, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

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    Hello, thanks for stopping by. This is my first map with gametype. I call it,


    It's a puzzle map, and a work in progress. Well, Sisyphus is the gametype, the map is called Tartarus, but more people will probably recognize Sisyphus, so that's how I'm going to refer to it.

    Anyway, since this my first map, and since I don't post frequently on this forum, I'm not posting this preview to generate any kind of excitement. Instead I'm just hoping more for some early feedback, and maybe some help on an unintentional glitch that occurs when I play through it.

    What is it?

    As stated before it's a puzzle map, but it also has some platforming aspects. Sisyphus is also unlike any other puzzle game that I know of. The idea came to me back in February, but I didn't think to flesh it out until last month, when I started work on it.

    Here's the concept: you're Sisyphus, the cursed soul from Greek mythology who must push/carry a heavy stone up a hill only to have it roll all the way back down when he gets to the top repeatedly for all eternity in the after-world known as Tartarus (Thank you wikipedia
    ). That's the metaphor, anyway, for my map. In the game you start out with only 50% gravity, normal speed, and invulnerability. The point is to reach the end, but there's a catch; you must reach the end with the stone (the bomb), and it is very heavy. You spawn near the bomb, and when picked up, the bomb causes you to move slowly, increases your gravity to 200%, and makes you incredibly vulnerable. Instead of a hill, you are given several puzzles in which you will be required to use your brain to clear passages so that you may proceed with the stone. Don't die or be away for the stone for 30 seconds, otherwise you will be forced to start all over; hence the title, Sisyphus.

    Challenge 1: One Giant Leap

    Challenge 2: Split Decisions


    Challenge 3: Rolling Stone

    (Rolling Stone, inside)

    Challenge 4: A Bridge Too Far

    Important Notes

    This project is only about 50% complete. I have more challenges on the way, and since I have arranged it so that each challenge gets more difficult as you progress through the game, what you are seeing are the easiest puzzles in the map. The puzzles I am currently working on are exponentially more difficult, at least I hope they will be.

    The reason I created this map was to provide a fun puzzle map for people who aren't really into puzzle maps. I have played many puzzle maps, some from this site, and I find that some are fun, but many are just plain frustrating. Many puzzle maps are created just for people who are very experienced in these things and know every little glitch. They involve hidden objects, banking shots into unseen areas, hidden ledges, and glitching through walls. I don't mean any disrespect to the creators of these maps, after all it takes incredible forging skill to produce most of the puzzle maps I've seen. However, these things are very off-putting to people not used to these tricks. Sisyphus has none of these things, the only glitch involves a killball and a bubble shield, but most people know that glitch. My ultimate goal was to make a puzzle map with simple solutions, but not obvious ones. It is an open map, with every tool needed to complete it laid out right in front of you, you just have to use your brain to figure out how to use them properly.

    I Need Help

    There is another glitch in my map, however. An unintentional and sometimes frustrating one. About 1 in every 10 times when I'm completing the 4th challenge, the bomb will reset after only about 7 seconds of being dropped. It won't say "Bomb Reset" it will just magically disappear and reappear at the beginning. Since this doesn't happen every time it's only a minor problem, but it is a problem. If you download the game and experience this problem and/or have a solution, please let me know.

    Edit: Due to recent changes to the map , these links are no longer available.

    Sisyphus - The Gametype
    Tartarus - The map

    #1 Donomite, Jun 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  2. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    ill give it a DL and ill go play it and work on my map, and ill come back and give you some feed back, sound good?
  3. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

    Likes Received:
    That would be appreciated, thanks.
  4. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    i couldnt get past the second part... hahaha it might just be me but i didnt even have an idea as what to do.
  5. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

    Likes Received:
    By second part, do you mean Challenge 2, the part with the two teleporters and the red and blue orbs above them? If that's the part you mean, then you have to look around for a pallet to shoot.
  6. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    negative. hah
  7. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

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    Ok, when you jump across the gap, turn around there will be a pallet blocking the blue teleporter receiver node on the side where you started. it might be difficult to see due to the blue light.
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    shhh! dont give away answers. haha i got to rolling stone but the man cannon failed once, and the other time i failed... but yea, so far its really good!
  9. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. Side note: I HATE those man-cannons, I used to have another challenge there that ended where Rolling Stone begins, but I had to scrap it so that there would be more teleporters for other challenges that I think are better. When I finish all the challenges I plan on coming back and trying to figure out some way to get up to Rolling Stone without man-cannons.
  10. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    your welcome
    its good so far
  11. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Hard very Hard damn 4th Challenge killed me :( anyways Its Challenging But make Respawn Rate a Little Lower
  12. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

    Likes Received:
    The thing with the respawn time is that even if I lower it, players would still have to wait for the bomb to reset, and I can't lower that, otherwise the game would be impossible.
  13. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    yea i agree on the respawn rate thing, but i understand why the game would be impossible.
  14. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

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    K, so I'll lower the player respawn time when I'm done with the map, but I can't lower the bomb reset time. Also, did anybody complete the map? If so, two things: in my o.p. I mentioned that on the fourth challenge the bomb would glitch and randomly reset itself after only a few seconds, did this happen to you, also did you find anyway to cheat? I'm not asking to go back and play it if you don't want to, I'll be posting this map on the tester's guild when I'm done with it and I'm sure they'll try to find any way to get around challenges, but for now, I just want to know you got to the end without completing the puzzles.
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I'm sorry, I've been thinking of posting this ever since this thread was originally created, please re name this puzzle. Every single time I read the title in the forum, I think Syphilis.

    Also, the name "Tartarus" has been used.
  16. Donomite

    Donomite Ancient

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    Lol, I have thought about how much they sound alike, but I like how the myth applies to the game. So while I might add to the title, the name "Sisyphus" will still be in it, and I'll just hope people will be mature about it (yes, I know how much of a long-shot that is). Since Tartarus is taken however, I will change it to avoid and misconceptions.

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