This is a remake of the quake map Arena of Death it contains the following weapons: 1x Rocket Launcher 2x Shotgun 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Brute Shot Run-Time Maximums: 4x Rocket Launcher 8x Shotgun 10x Plasma Rifle 6x Brute shot Also 1x Overshield Supports: Slayer, KOTH, CTF, and Oddball DOWNLOAD
Did you forget the download link? The map looks pretty accurate, and I salute you on getting your first post pretty much perfect The gold columns really compliment the aesthetics and give it that polished look. Edit: ah you put it on
I'm surprised I did as well as I did. and thanx for the compliment! Everybody is making MW2 maps, somebody needed to represent Quake!
Ok I like the map because it's accurate, but I don't like the fact that: - Some objects aren't ghost merged leaving gaps for grenades and things. - You could probably escape the map with a good grenade jump or using the brute shot. I suggest you get back in forge while you still can and make the map innescapable.
really? ghostmerging? lol... oh well I do it too sometimes, but if you can, always geomerge. It's cleaner, and it shows that you have a little bit more skill as a forger. I give you huge props for making one hell of a map, tho! Definitely reppin' that Quake love!
Great Map choice! Originally I wanted to forge AoD, too .. I have to agree with JFox, it's really accurate, but there are very few details. On the original Map, there is a ledge to jump to the Shield, the ledge is missing in your Map. The Forging is average, but pretty bumpy, I have no Idea why you decided to use walls as a floor, right on top of the default floor. This makes most of the Map bumpy to walk on. On some parts, you really show that you could have done better, the Map seems to be a little rushed. You interlocked some parts really nicely, but when you look closer you'll sopt a lot of big holes and bumps. Also, a roof would have been nice, the Map is escapable with 2 simple granade jumps. Another negative point are your weapons. All of them are: Respawn Rate 10, Spare Clips 2. That's like infinite spawning Rockets, two shotguns and a brute shot which is clearly too much on such a small Map. Please fix this before July 1st.
QUAKE III, oh the memories! Absolutely loved that game back in the day. While my memory on this map is a little faded it looks pretty well made. Nice job. Like some of the other said I would have interlocked and geo-merged the entire map to make it look a little cleaner. But still, definately worth the DL. BTW: My fav was always Space CTF. I don't have the skills or patience for forging but if ur looking for a new project.... lol.
bumps and more bumps yeah, I know. I my defense I've never ghost-merged or budget glitched. I've done minimal geo-merging (cuz i accidentally merged a piece through the floor and dropped and lost it). this map was done completely within budget. if i had half the skill and patience of the forgehub elite I would have addressed most of the aforementioned problems. that said this is my FIRST submission to forgehub and I'd like to thank you all for both the positive and negative feedback! Other Notes: weapons in quake respawn in 5-6 seconds escapabilty is greatly reduced at 150%+ gravity map should be played 150% speed 150% gravity no grenades and AR start (I would also recommend 90% resistance)