I have been looking on line now for a while and I came up upon multiple things, I found an article where Bungie claims that the new Forge will be soo powerful that they made maps with this new Forge, and some of those maps will be in the full game. I also found that in the April Fools Vidoc: Zugzwang Evolved, there is some forge gameplay. How do I know this, there is a monitor flying around, also upon thinking those tiles on the chess board have a somewhat white outline. It goes up higher than the tile so I think that you can edit length of objects. Here is the Vidoc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4XFBLPVHDo&feature=related (the video gets cut out at 0:42 for some reason). Here is an analysis of this video: YouTube - Halo: Reach - Rewind Theater "Zugzwang Evolved" Multiplayer ViDoc ViDoc . If there are thing you may want to add be sure to say it in the comments. Our wants, Please post your wishes for Forge 2.0:
I have not seen a thread that was talking about what they see. They have only posted what they want, I am doing both of these...
Ok, yes you are pointing stuff out from a video, but you didn't mention anything that hasn't already been talked about
Capabilities of forge assumed from the zugwang evolved video were discussed literally hours after it was released. Late of the ball. There was a vid where in the background there was what looked like a forge game going on unless it was a PC editor for the maps, but the piece it was editing looked forged in game in the BETA & as such you can assume 360 degree geomerging capabilities such as the ones in trials HD and far cry 2 editor.
willpeopleusethesearchbarandfindthethreadthatanswerstheirquestionbeforemakinganewoneorjustaskinthestickieddiscussionthread I am just going to copy and past this from now on. What bungie said means only one thing. The placed a few spawn points weapons and scenery using forge instead of computer programs. -- for some reason it added ramdom spaces