Sandbox Hoodsnug

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Download Awesome Bomb Version
    When a Snuggie and a Hoodie love each other very much... An Afghan remake. 12-16 players.



    Download Awesome Bomb Version of Hoodsnug

    Please play Hoodsnug with Battle Rifles as the starting weapons. I have not created a custom gametype for this map, as it is useless. However if you must, play Hoodsnug with higher gravity, lower speed, lower health, no weapons on the map, and with Battle Rifle/Magnum starts.

    Hoodsnug is my updated version of Snughood, but for some reason I've decided to treat it as a new map. This could possibly be because the Foreign Treasures contest requires you to post a link to the FH thread, and Snughood's thread is not Hoodsnug's thread. Lolwut? Anyways, I've added a bunch of cool stuff... Here's a neat list.



    #1 Conkerkid11, Jun 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
  2. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    this looks alot more like afgan than your previous map, i really like how you actually listened to our feedback lol.
    i know it sounds like i can't make up my mind, but i still think you should put some sort of tail on the plane, not a massive one like before, but maybe just something to make it more obvious that it is still a plane.

    also, is the cliff still escapable? and are the weapons the same as the last map?

    im dling right now, this map really looks amazing

    edit: with an easy crouch jump i got on top of the bunker, also there is a ton of Z-fighting in there. i liked the little pod thing that the attacker's warthog is in, but its sort of annoying that you cant use it in forge, and i dont remember anything like that in mw2. its also pretty easy to get onto the cave/cliffside. was this map balanced in the tests? because it seems like it would be unfair if the entire defending team is posted up on the cliffside.
    #2 forgenarb, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  3. ULikeThatDontYa

    ULikeThatDontYa Forerunner

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    I've gotta say, this is a lot better then Snughood. Why? Just the few additions to the map will change a lot, like the bunker. I've already downloaded this before you posted it :p, and I played a few games on it. Really good. If this is a true MW2 remake, you wouldn't have any weapons on the map, so if you deleted them (like I did) you'll get about 40 dollars and 10ish items. Awesome job
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Edit: If you give me criticism based off of gameplay, I will make a new, updated version of Hoodsnug that will rock your world.

    I'm also currently working on a version of Hoodsnug named "Amazing Hood" that is compatible with Amazing Bomb. Hold onto your buns!

    Edit Number 2: Amazing Hoodie is now available to download! It's a version of Hoodsnug built specifically for Amazing Bomb! Try it out, it's a BLAST!

    Edit Number 3: Hoodsnug has been updated to include better spawns, more cover, and the brute shots have been removed along with the spawns on the warthogs being raised to 120 seconds. The attackers will also receive a warthog during asymmetrical games, because the defenders were overpowered with having the only warthog.

    Please download and play Hoodsnug today! I don't quite understand why every time I improve upon my most popular maps they never get equal to or more than the same amount of attention that my original map got, but I fixed your complaints, so here ya go!

    I can't believe I listened to criticism and nobody cared. By the way everybody, below is a list of the changes I recently made to Hoodsnug. Refer to this as Hoodsnug version 1.1 now! Wait, that sounds dumb, just call it Hoodsnug.

    • The mid-section of the plane provides more cover now.
    • More cover has been added behind the attackers base.
    • Both warthogs have a respawn time of 120 seconds, and the attackers now have a warthog in both asymmetrical and symmetrical games.
    • Both brute shots have been replaced with plasma grenades which represent Symtex grenades from Modern Warfare 2.
    • Two movable boxes have been removed from the back of the defenders base so I could have more budget, sorry guys!
    • A couple wedges have been removed, once again for budget purposes.
    #4 Conkerkid11, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010

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