1) Not setting the 'Never' block to Never. 2) Wait... did I just save or open the menu? 3) Accidentally touching a block and realizing you haven't saved in like a half hour. 4) Set an OLN block back to spawn at start before testing. 5) Which controller I'm holding the piece in after getting the object aligned perfectly. 6) Wait was this an OLN object? 7) Go to 4. What about you...
8) Deleting the spawnzones I used while forging, to see if everything is symetrical. **** up the first test due to that. 9) Which Gametype am I currently setting this up for? 10) Which Teleporter Sender sends me to the Place I want to go right know? 11) 'New Round, New Round, New Round, New Round, New Round, New Round, Game Over' Wtf? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (It's been a while since that happened the last time though)
13) Set the game to invite only and somehow people join. 14) Accidentally pick up an object I didn't mean to pick up. 15) Brace an OLN object facing the wrong direction.
16) Forget to delete the dummied objects while ghost merging, and I end up with floating objects all over during testing. 17) Forgot that I deleted the last object of it's type on a BG map, and I can't spawn anymore. 18) Forget I just merged a block, and merge another one in the exact same place... and then I can't find it later. BTW Conkerkid, when you start up Halo, and you get that pop up "Friends playing Halo 3", you can join any players game from that screen, even an Invite only game. That's your problem.
This is something I need to do less: Place a block, walk around said block for an hour, jumping all over the map.
21.) Triple and quadruple checking to make sure teams are spawning on the correct sides for flag. And still failing. 22.) Spawn points I was using to point at things for alignment don't get deleted, and often get interlocked slightly underneath an object. Players spawn on them anyway. 23.) I forget what I liked about my idea or design. Then I forge half a map then delete everything because I don't like it anymore. ALL THE TIME. 24.) Object's dot below crypt floor. Forge for another two hours without starting a new game. Never notice the object is screwy until map is test-ready. Edit: Damn you camofo, making me change my numbers by posting at the same time.
28. Set my flags to the correct symmetricalness... then i end up with three flags and four capture points... 29. Let go of a perfectly merged object before starting another one, then moving that controller to make sure the next one is properly lined up. >.> <.< I only do this a little........... 0.0
30.) Pre-brace the OLN, then realize I have to save it for it to work. 31.) Screw up a prebrace and lose an entire days work. And Vincent, The man-cannon on campground is having some trouble because you have it pointed straight up, rather than into the wall, so people can walk into it, back up, and get on top of the map.
32. I forget what i'm actually forging at times and just stare at the map for 15 minutes or so before I realise I was supposed to be placing a block down. Damn it.. had to renumber
- 32 - 33. How'd we get mixed up? 34. Make new map names that I can remember, rather than [canvas name] 001, [canvas name] 002, [canvas name] 003.