Description: this map is a replica from the runescape mini game "Castle Wars", with a few modifications. Weapons on map: 1 sniper in each base Power-ups: 1 overshield in each base 1 invisiblity in the basement variant: CTF-game type Swords- energy swords bow and arrows- snipers 3 captures=win Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game: : Halo 3 File Details Pics Overview Basement Equipment Room PS- Thanks Nick9P99 for testing
I am working on the exact same project right now... Also the cave structure seems easy to jump out of and aren't there supposed to be two ladders (teleporters) to the middle at the Active Camo spawn? I would also suggest building doors to the castle that could be knocked down for both gameplay and to make it more similar to the actual game.
Then its probably not a good idea to post it unless you are 100% happy with it. The map itself is a cool idea, and Im hoping to see a finished version. I think we can all agree that Runescape is awesome, and therefore deserves a re-incarnation of it into other games. probably best to ask this somewhere else, perhaps send a message to the poster, or even a moderator. Better yet, there are lots of threads already on the topic, so its best to search up one next time.
The finished prduct is the best it can be and there is a way to get back in if you get out of the basement. dl the map before you jump to conclusions (this is not meant to hurt anyones feelings)