From the maker of Spartan Warrior!... presents a team-based adventure machinima gameshow where teams of six take part in various challenges before reaching the mighty dome for prizes!! This is only the pilot episode to get a feel of what needed to be added in for future episodes, so expect alot of fine tuning in the future. Not only that this gameshow is about showing creativity so any new challenges can be made by viewers of the show and would be credited if they are used (if they are good that is!) YouTube - Orbidome PILOT - Machinima GAMESHOW 500 Internal Server Error YouTube- Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 2 YouTube- Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 3 YouTube- Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 4 YouTube- Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 5
Orbidome Season 1 Episode 1 The First Episode of Season One has arrived. Will the Noobologists get 888 points or more to win the big prize? YouTube - Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 1
Does anybody have with them the exact length of time before it is considerd necrobumping? Anyway, i have to say that it took way too long for the first episode to come out dude! You probably should work on not spending that much time doing whatever, because most videos are weekly or biweekly for a reason.
The reason for the delay was because of me moving house, it wouldve been up a beginning of may otherwise.
I'm pretty sure this necro bump is fine, I think it used to be 30 days, but now you're allowed to necro bump as long as it is for a good reason, in this case (I believe) it was a good reason.
Either or, you would likely do better if you knew the people but last set were just random people (and see how they did!)
From what I've seen your challenges, especially involving the soccer balls and golf balls, are way too difficult. You need more mentally based challenges, like the one where the people had to line the mongooses up.. Just a suggestion.
Within 2 weeks. Editing wise will be done in few days but i rather be unleashed fortnightly to keep it predictable for people to know when its on. Far as mental challenges go, there will be some more mental stuff near the end. Unfortunately having mental/puzzle games can be pretty tricky to use via halo, though come series two, there will be games where the editor function will be available for the player, so puzzles like matchsticks can be made quite easily. I do love puzzles. --- Without further a do, episode 3 is now up that has iDave the rave and Dthen in it. YouTube - Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 3 --- *bump*? with added new episode!
Yey, you uploaded episode 3 with that one sexy guy in the orange armour who likes to jump around and crouch so that he can be a spartan child . Anyway, I really enjoyed playing on your gameshow, so... thanks for inviting me.
Lol nice that looked fun. Dave you're a forger are you lol you should have put gooser. This is so heavily crystal maze inspired its uncanny lol.
Yea its sort of an injoke, i rarely put in an actual title thats real, because 9/10 people will just be students and that gets boring to read through. --- YouTube - Orbidome - Series 1 Episode 4 Episode 4 has arrived!