Templar Castle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by patt06snipe, Apr 28, 2008.


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  1. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Templar Castle V.2 :
    Created By: Luke Pyeatt (patt06)
    If you are wanting a map full of vehicles, explosives, and many other crazy things, then you came to the right map!

    This is one of two of the Castle maps I have made, and by far this is the better one. The reason is because it is a much more interesting layout, better weapon balance, and just better over all look. Plus you know its got the two gigantic towers over looking the entire Castle. Its really funny sometimes because when you get into the map (if your attacking), you begin to wonder where everything is. Then you get look out on the horizon and see a huge Castle with a Banshee flying over head and suddenly your shot by a sniper hiding in a dark room looking out of the Castle! Next thing you know your bodys flippin all over the place and you begin realize that the best game of your life is about to occur!

    Screenshot of Whole Castle (front)

    Map layout.....(click to enlarge and you can read the writings.)

    View of the tunnel where you can drive anything under.

    Ok guys here is my second Castle map on Avalanche. The first one got about 1000 dls., and then I made this one. Enjoy!

    Overview of map. Ok first off as you may know, one team spawns in the castle and the other team spawns on the two bases opposite each other. There are Multiple ways of getting inside the Castle's defenses and here are some of them. There is a tunnel that goes through all the way underneath the Castle and serves as a vehicle pass to get from one side to the other, as well as the main gate which is protected by a turret and also connected to the tunnel underneath. If you drive, say a Mongoose or Warthog, you can let out you passenger/passengers and have them sneak up through the ramp inside the Castle...undetected (easiest way of reaching the flag). The two ramps on either side of the Castle also serve as a way up but may cost your team some valuable time, as these are easily defended with a Shotgun or Sword. One of the funnest and most surprising ways to get inside the Castle and on top of your enemy is by acually parachuting down to them. The way this is done is by flying the Hornet with two passengers on it, and then simply letting them jump off undetected and covered by the Hornet's superior firepower. Sometimes though you are faced with circumstances where the air is coverd by a laser, the ramps covered by Shotguns and Swords, and rockets covering the land, so what do you do? Well, there is a Gravity Lift which is hidden on the back side of the Castle which you can throw down and reach a ledge, upon where you can jump up behind the enemies backs and take them out, allowing for the rest of your team to do the mop up. In conclusion, there are seemless amounts of ways to defeat your enemy and ultimately win the battle. I hope you will love this map and have great amounts of fun with it!

    Tip: Watch the sky for a Hornet with an invisible man on it! You'll figure out why.


    Weapons = Defending side has the sniper,rockets, missile pod, shotgun, mauler, sword, needler, carbine, brute shot, and the fuel rod cannon. Seems pretty impossible to get through if your attacking. The attackers have only the sniper......but there is a laser purched up on the side of the mountain right before you go through the underpass.

    Vehicles = Now since the Defenders have such a vast weapons choice, I chose to give them only 1 tank (Scorpion), a Warthog, and for taking out those aerial assualts, you have the option of either a Hornet, or Banshee...both put up on the highest levels of the Castle. For the attacking team there are many vehicles so your team can plan out a very precise attack or if not then just for getting a ride to the Castle. (There is a tunnel and open gate under the Castle itself for Vehicles to pass through)-very good for bringing the enemies flag to your base when you are getting chased by Banshees and Hornets.
    I would say the attackers have about 15 or so vehicles, (Human and Covenant).

    Equipment = Ok, there aren't very many on this map, because I really didn't see any good for many of them. The only equipment on the map is a trip-mine, grav.-lift, and bubble shield all relativley close to the Castle.

    Gametypes Include: The best game for this is probably Defend, which is (1 CTF) where the defending team is at the Castle while the attackers use all the vehicles to try and steal the flag!
    Another fun game is team rockets, where it is of course just rockets....or also slayer rockets.

    1. Team Slayer
    2. Infection..gametype-(Ice Roadz...in my fileshare).
    3. Team snipers.
    4. BR Snipe.
    5. Slayer Snipers.
    6. Team SWAT.

    Most of the action takes place on this side of the castle for some reason.(above).

    Screenshot of the Back (below).

    !! Download Map !!

    Attention: Hey everyone, I am trying to get a video from this map and my other maps onto Youtube, but I don't know how. I know about Gamevee, but they don't have the Halo 3 Grab thing anymore......anyone have a suggestion?

    #1 patt06snipe, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  2. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Upload your pictures to photobucket, then click on them, and right-click on the enlarged version. Choose 'copy image location', then go to the post and click 'insert image', and paste the url, hope that helps. Sounds like a nice idea though. Also the link is horribly broken, it starts with 'http.com', and then the adress, that needs fixing.
  3. Hari

    Hari Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry buddy, but you need some tech-help. Your link goes to the wrong site, you don't have pics etc. Try looking at this. Look forward to seeing ur map!
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Alright, problems have been fixed, and apparently my criticism was too harsh or unconstructive...

    Just try to refrain from rating your own map a 6/5.
    #4 JJ3672, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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  6. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You must be new to FH so I'll set your post mistakes aside. It looks cool off of the post on Bungie so I'm DLing. But keep in mind, this is nothing like the Bungie forums. Learn the rules.
  7. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you need to use a different code send me a PM so we can sort this out
    EDIT* give him a min im helping him with his pics
    #7 OnlyMaximumv, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  8. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I finally got everything fixed!
  9. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks eally good. i dunno about how all those vehicles r gonna work, but other than that good.
  10. Glitchditch

    Glitchditch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a cool map, does it work for oddball?
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    pretty well looking for a castle. and your layout is good altho a bit messy.. still nice job.
  12. Lintendo64

    Lintendo64 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pretty cool looking castle, kinda messy but I understand forging a large building on Avalanche is not the easiest since the ground is uneven. Infection might be pretty interesting on this map.
  13. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is super how long did it take to make this probly like 3 months this is the hole thing is amazing, keep it up

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