Foundry Asylum v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by o0 IMatt 0o, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Map by o0 IMatt 0o (maxp0095)

    I made the first version awhile back, and decided to improve upon the merging and weapon placements. IMO the map turned out great, and many other people that have played iit think so too. This map is going to be on Bungie Favs the 3rd week of July, so I look forward to that too.

    Asylum v2

    Rocket x1-150
    Sniper x1-150
    Shotgun x1-120
    Overshield x1-180
    Camo x1-180
    BS x1-120
    PD x1 60
    Multiple Br's/AR's
    Plasmas x4
    Frag x2

    Map Pics

    1st Overview

    2nd Overview

    Looking at Snipe from Defender

    Defenders Overview

    Attackers Overview

    Attackers Assymetric Overview and BS spawn

    Back Hallways (Fence Boxes dissapear in Assymetric Games

    Inside of Center- Shotgun Spawn

    Video Walkthrough
    Asylumv2 Youtube

    Map is best with:
    One Flag/TS/CTF/KoTH
    4-10 Players

    Asylum v2

    Enjoy and any Criticism is Welcome!
    #1 o0 IMatt 0o, Jun 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    IMO I agree with you. The map did turn out great. I npictures 2 and 5 I see those grav lifts with the fence walls above them and it reminds me of a map thesilencebrokn map awhile back. Did you happen to get the idea from that? Also in the 2nd picture I absolutley love those bridges and how you used them. Both the slanted (diagonal ones) and the one on the wall make that section look great. Which brings me to the merging... which is flawless from what I can tell in the video and pictures. With all these great points this map would be great! I would say its for sure but I am not able to DL at this moment and play on it.

    I have one thing I dont like and that is the box, with the window peice I think (6th pic). I believe you should delete that and put some more eye appealing there. Great job on the map and congrats on the Bungie Favs my good sir.
  3. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Why thank youf or your constructive comments!
    I agree with you, the single box with the window panel looks boring. I wouldh ave out omething else there if I had more money. but it still does a good job with cover and it is merged neatly. I just added the link (sorry forgot).
  4. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    Well, I think that pretty much outlines it, but my only question is: what did you do with the crane? on my maps, I either block them off, or put a power weapon there. What did you do?
  5. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    This map is supposed to be like a Warehouse or "Asylum", which is a Large building. I'm not going into what is usually in the Asylums. But anyways, The crane just adds to the feel of the map, and beside didnt have enough resourcest ob lock it off.

    Don't make posts like that unless youd download the map. "Fix the small bump in the third picture". Your crazy if yout think one small bump ruins a map.....
    Thx for the problems youu found, but the way you preented them in your post was horrible.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    One would think that while playing a map with more power weapons than one team can hold, there is no possible way to have a fun game. It will simply be like doubles on epitaph where one teams ends up with five power weapons and the other team can’t do **** for a comeback, right? Well, not always. Of course sometimes it was a mell of a hess (cwutididthur?) involving 15 year old boys with no life raping older men and their daughters, but sometimes it was something pristine and beautiful, something like a newly blossoming flower being born into life, vindicated against those fools who would say it was tainted with corruption. However, do not play BR Snipes on this map; while it isn’t recommended I still wanted to test it and I immediately regretted it. Spawn killed like none other… Despite my previous misadventures, this game did have a few problems with the weapons being grossly overpowered and hugely over numbered, two problems that made this game exciting only about half of the time. Regardless, it is refreshing to see such a well planned and cleanly built map, coming out of the rest. It may not be hard to stand above the current of mediocrity; there is really only three maps that do it per week. This is one of those maps that deserve at least one play through, and I personally enjoyed it quite a bit.

    --Rating: 7/10

    Unfortunately, the term ‘balance’ is much too broad. So many different things come into play here that it is impossible to rate this accurately for your map, so I’m going to explain each different section, good or bad. First, come the spawns. The spawns in this map were defiantly well thought out and very well tested. Much of it was incredibly well thought out and well planned, and I can tell just by looking at it that you spent some time to make it worthwhile. While it is undoubtedly one of the best spawn systems that I have seen recently, it is still somewhat exploitable. If you have one person in each base, and one person on the rocket and sniper spawns then the only place people will Respawn is along the back wall, switching from one side to the other. Usually this would be exceedingly easy to counteract, but because of the number of power weapons that are so close at hand it is almost impossible to break free of this trap. While it is very hard to do, this is such a problem that if a team successfully implements it, the game is over. The other team loses hands down, and there is no coming back. Obviously, this is a huge flaw, and one that is almost impossible to ignore. But the system still works like a dream, and as long as both teams are aware of that possibility it is somewhat easy to avoid this hell situation.

    Now, I’m going to talk about the weapon layout. The spawns were pretty good, but this is just disgusting. First of all you have the Sniper right above the OverShield opposite the Camouflage which is directly underneath the Rockets, and between all four of them is a shotgun. You can’t honestly think that when you made this you were lucid? The map is too small for two power-ups and three power weapons; it just doesn’t make any sense. I suggest keeping the rockets and sniper the same, but removing the Camouflage and placing the OS suspended above the pit that currently is the residence of the Shotgun, and finally moving the shotgun to replace the Brute Shot and Spike Grenades. Which brings me to point two; why in god’s name do you have three types of grenades? So apparently people are walking around with four sticky grenades. This isn’t just stupid, this is suicide and pretty much asking for grenade whores to swarm your map like bees to honey… I have a few friends who are like that and got stuck in the face way too many times for my liking. I highly recommend removing that. Anyway, by doing this you realize that the back area of your map, the part that I thought was the coolest by far, finally has traffic? Somebody actually uses it?

    Now, for point three; the actual build of the map. For the most part it’s great, and you have the perfect combination of long range and short range lines of sight, and you manage to create a map that moves well from one area to another. The tower that is at the third teams spawn (with the two spikers inside of it) is sometimes camped, and is too small of a space. I think by making that larger, you will remove most if not all of the camping that happened in that structure. Now the only real problem you have is the giant square in the middle; throughout almost all of your map it seemed like everything was inspired by the less loved shapes of geometry, and everything looked like it took much planning to actually perfect and get right. However, this thing in the middle just looks like you got bored halfway through and decided to quickly finish it up. The pit in the middle with the shotgun is horrible for camping, and just a bad idea, and while it has many positive effects on the rest of the map, the player quickly forgets everything the second they step foot inside of it. For the most part, nothing felt random or like it was just placed for cover (except for a couple tiny unimportant things) and everything fits well in the theme of the map. But not the middle.

    --Rating: 6/10

    Seeing as this map includes the entirety of the map, and there really is nowhere to get out to, it essentially gets a free 10 point score right here. Luckily for you, there is also no little grenade-loss zones (clean interlokz yeay!!) and very few bumps that might interfere with game play. Once again, I am showing my distaste for this section. However, it is possible to get on top of the crane, which is technically breaking the map. So, not quite perfect in actuality. I would have thought that you would take the time to block them off with a crate or something, or at the very least find some manner in which you could remove them from gameplay. I am disapointed that you did not.

    --Rating: 9/10

    The majority of your map has mediocre aesthetics, especially on the A side. However, if one ventures over to the sniper spawn you see some damn cool geometry. The slanted bridges that act as cover for the sniper, and pretty much every single bridge you used, create some wonderful interplay between what is aesthetics and what is part of the map. I especially enjoy the gravity lifts because those just look so damn perfect! However, if you step into the square in the middle and look up, you almost retch in disgust. It’s practically a sin against nature, something that just should not be in your map. The entirety of that middle building just brings your map down dramatically, hurting everything that is associated with it. I strongly stress the importance of replacing that with something else. Maybe you could try a hexagon on the middle; as far as i know its only been done once ever so you would get a huge score here, and massivly increase your score with originality as well. Besides, a hexagon would fit with the theme of the rest of the map (especially the sniper area) and it would look so damn cool if you managed to implement/add a hexagon into the actual gameplay and flow correctly. Just imagine being featured of forgehub... but since the map is simply average with this structure i doubt much will come of it in the future. Anyway, im going to say one last little thing about aesthetics, like the last leaf on a great oak in the end of autumn, something beautiful about to rain down on one lucky head. The overview of this map, the one thing you didnt add as a picture, looks so damn cool that it disapoints me that it wasnt added.

    --Rating: 7/10

    While your map brings some incredibly cool things to the table, everything looks like it was bruised and borrowed from other maps that people have built, then simply changed to fit with yours. The overall layout is something that is rarely done, and even more rarely done correct, and it is very unique and well executed. However, once again the boring square in the center that has been done time after time is going to heavily weigh you down. Unfortunately this hurts you the most here because you are simply average on this category before this is factored in.
    --Rating: 5/10

    Enjoyment Rating: 7/10
    Balance Rating: 6/10
    Durability Rating: 9/10
    Aesthetics Rating: 7/10
    Originality Rating: 5/10
    Total Rating: 34/50
    ::Map Rating::
  7. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    I appreciate the time yout ook the type that up, and I will definetly think aboout the Weapons. How about I put a Mauler underneath rocket and sniper, and then put an overshield over the center pit?
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    That might work pretty good, as long as you remember to move the shotty away from the OS, cus that would be the exact opposite of the point here lol ;) Remember, moderation. Its better to have less weapons than more, so if you are in doubt just delete stuff. Less is always more.
  9. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Im deleting the shotgun since there will be 2 Maulers :D
    Forgot to sa that LOL.
  10. HotwingsForge

    HotwingsForge Forerunner

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    I agree with most of what Yo Yo pointed out. I shot this a download yesterday and got a few fun games down on it. The temptation ran over me to write a blip review but Yo Yo has stolen the thunder of all my points of thoughts. I may have enjoyed your design look a little more than him but the average seems to be the same.

    I hope to see more of your maps in the future.
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Mwahahaha thought theif attacks yet again :p
    Matt, i think most of the changes you added earlier today work pretty well and once you get the box figured out it should be quite an amazing map. I cant wait to get some more games with my buddies on this one.
  12. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    K cool glad you like the changes, Im still keeping the building square, I just might do something with it.
  13. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man. I DLed your map and gave it a spin in a 3v3. I must say, it really is awesome to play on. The pictures really don't do it justice. You're forging is very good, the merges and mostly straight and very clean from my naked eye. My favorite structure is the sniper ledge, as those bridges look asthetically good and make for good cover. That being said the map is quite creative. Balance was good and spawn were okay. The only real problem I came across was that there's a little bit of bare space between the bases and the middle of the map, which made it difficult to get out if you spawn there. Nothing game breaking, but you definetly have to adapt to it. I really enjoyed myself playing this map, and the people I played with only had good things to say. Great job on the map sir. I'm looking foward to seeing more from you.
  14. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Thx everyone for the poitive comments. And cartoonwolf I am glad you enjoyed you 3v3 and that you liked my Map. I am currently working on Asylum v3, and this will probably be the final version.
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks like a mixture of Ephasus and Redeemer, which is in no way a bad thing.
  16. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Ancient

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    The map overall is excellent. I love how it plays and it´s aesthetics are really great. Balance an player flow too. Nicely done!

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