Halo Reach: Firefight on Beachhead YouTube - Firefight 2.0 Beachead Gameplay Discuss. One thing I noticed was that when the player is driving the wraith, it has its own armor ability (which is actually, probably the boost). But I'm not sure that was in the Beta.
No, it's called Drop Shield, and as far as I'm aware, when you drop it, everyone inside regenerates health. However; the shield can be destroyed if shot.
It wasn't in the beta, but the ghost also has the same effect. No more infa-boost. Altough watching another video, it seems to regenerate pretty quickly. I remember reading somewhere that there is a plasma repeater and a plasma rifle. I don't remember if the drop shield is a complete loadout, or just the equipment within a loadout...(Like Jetpack with AR and Dropshield, or Dropshield with AR and 'Nades.)
regular plasma rifles have been confirmed in. dropshield loadout is called medic, can't remember exactly what it comes with. AR and magnum I believe.
Schweet. Thats the only thing I hated about odst's firefight, after the first week or two most of my friends weren't playing it anymore
Yes it will. I think that was the downfall of Halo 3:ODST. If they would have included Firefight Matchmaking then I think the game would have been played for a longer period of time. Does anybody know if their will be ranks for firefight? The gameplay for Halo Reach Firefight seems like a semi inprovement form Halo 3:ODST. I think they should make it harder than ODST firefight becasue you do not want to sit their for hours playing without dying. I know legnedary is extremely hard but i feel normal and heroic could have their difficulty increased. But that map for firefight seems alright. Not the best but okay. I hope their will be that 1 map that everybody loves.
You can't? I can change the titles of my threads... Also, the YouTube video has been renamed with the correct spelling (if it was originally named Beachead)
Hasn't anyone else noticed that it goes "objective complete" after just one round and then ends the game.
Plasma repeater is in multiplayer but Plasma rifle is in campaign because the plasma repeater was too powerful
Those are 3 different weapons. Plasma Rifle is the gun we've seen in the previous Halo games. Plasma Repeater is its multiplayer replacement but will still be present is Campaign and Firefight by the looks of it. Concussion Rifle is this thing Edit: Also, what do you think about Elite Firefight? At the start of that game the players are addressed by the UNSC guy and have "Spartans" displayed on screen, much like in Network Test 1 and Invasion.