So some of you may have seen some of my magic videos. If you are interested in magic videos please subscribe to my new channel dedicated to them... YouTube - SandMillusions's Channel The video is called Cellphone Hi-JACK and you will find out why when you watch. This an effect that I created yesterday so please don't be hating on the presentation. Its only going to get better. The cellphone is kind of hard to see because it was done on an iPhone. If you pause the video around 1:04ish you can see the change back. Please leave feedback! YouTube - Cellphone Hi-Jack
I dont get the magic trick.... you showed us a deck of cards, toggled a picture of a cellphone on and off, then pulled a card that was either from the same deck or a different one out of your wallet. Whats the trick here?
A card was picked. Vanished. Background of my phone changed. card appeared in wallet. Thats the most basic summary I can make. I don't see what you don't get. EDIT: The background change part was harder to see because of the lighting. iPhone quality isn't good. That is my bad. However, the rest seemed pretty self explanatory. EDIT II: Let me reiterate that this is an effect in the making. I made this up yesterday. It still needs some work. Im working out some kinks as we speak
I think what he's asking is, how is this a "trick." For all we know you have a double of the card in your wallet (as you didn't show it beforehand) or the card was never there in the deck to begin with. Not criticizing, trying to help you refine the trick, especially with the latter part, you just quickly shuffle away the card so the effect of it being "ours" is lost on the audience.
the shuffking was a bit suspitios*, who shuffls like that? me thinks the card got back to the top of the deck and you didnt show that improvments; they they are possible) intead of flicking through the pack like youi did, throw them on the table of ground clearly showing all of them fall, you could possible use slight of hand to apply a bit of tack to the card so it sticks to the card infront, not seperating when they are trown on the table show your wallet 1st, simple but makes people reashured...
Ok I see where you are coming from. I will try to get a view of the wallet before hand and also maybe go through the deck more slowly. Also to adress duckyz. It wasn't so much shuffling as it was cutting. Just mixing the cards. I mean it gets the job done. I could actually shuffle with the same results. If you do some looking around, a lot of magicians use the same techniques as I did. Thank you Sarcasm for the feedback. I will work on improving it.