This map was an idea that I came up with one night. A simple call back to Halo 2's famous Foundation Map. Yes, people have recreated the original map however, I saw potential in the Skybubble that would enable me to make a unbreakable sister to the old classic. I personally, have been tired of seeing square maps. I feel they happen way too often and I did not want my first original work to be thrown into the same bin as those. So I first laid out a basic idea of the shape I wanted. First 5 hours-- I created a very rough draft of the shape by setting double blocks in 4 circles. 1 Large and 3 smaller. The surface area I planned originally was way too much to create a ease of flow from one area to another as well as have the budget and item limit to meet my personal thoughts on what it should look like. Second 5 hours-- The next forging session I focused more on the center shrinking it in size to better enable me to fit my budget and item limit. However, no matter what I seemed to do I could not make a even circular Center. I decided to call for some help from my friend to give me ideas who brilliantly suggested using equalilateral triangles to space my blocks. I ended up with not so much a circle but more reminence of a Triangle or the Superman outline as many have called it. Third 5 hours-- These hours I spent working toward ghosting object that I knew could be removed if I changed any plans or were essential toward my final design. Fourth 5 hours-- Finally, I have forged a imperfect ground to change up the constant it has to be perfectly flat guideline so many people have grown to fear. I think the imperfections are enough to notice by not enough to ruin a good game of slayer or 3 ball even. Now I have my cetral structure nearing the end of its part I will soon be working on perfecting the outer bases that lead to the center. Please post your thoughts and ideas. Here are a couple images to help!
The links to the images do not work, although this thread does not require images as far as I'm aware, I suggest that you take a look at this guide on how to embed images.
This is looking really good so far. From what I can see in the pictures, it is really clean and it looks like it has some great potential. So keep it up!
YoYo if you want I can send you a link to my fileshare that has the latest version up to date. I leave one in my fileshare that I don't edit so people can view my progress. Then when I update it I delete the old version and upload the newer. This way people can watch me progress and I can keep an active roster of how things keep changing for better or worse.
It was an idea for a base. I decided to go in a different direction with my bases. I will post a picture of my base design as soon as I get home and forge it. I would scan my sketches but I do not have a scanner at work.
I've always thought a tri-base map would be cool. Is that what you're working on? I like the centerpiece, but it might look better if you used less obelisks in the grassy area. Just a thought.
Yeah the Obelisks have been removed earlier today before I even saw your message. lol I thought it cramped the interior area too much. --- I just made a big change I have completely removed the grassy area to prevent the "OMG magnetic property thing" once the outer walls and bases are finished then I can work better on the center. I also have placed a single tin cup up-side-down in the dead middle of my map this time using the save quit technique. Once I have finished my bases and the lower part of the inner wall then I will build the grassy area from the inside outward to hopefully end with cleaner a cleaner forge!
Hey man, Looks great! I love to see such great originality spur from the thought of a previous halo map. It always intrigues me to see how people's imaginations can drive them to make completely new maps based from a distinct aspect of an old halo map! Anyways...I really like what you have done. The only qriticue(s) I have for you is one, Im guessing you are going to add a second layer to your walls, around the play area? Or are you going to slightly raise the blocks, so that people cannot jump out? Im sorry if this has already been answered im just that way =) Secondly, Im sure you have heard this and it is good you are not doing any of it, but don't use plain walls for floor it gets bumpy. well, looks good and cant wait to download!
I will be posting updated pics in a few days. I still don't have the first base just the way I want it. Once I have the first base figured out I will hook you guys up on the juicy goodness. I have learned I am really picky when it comes to some things. lol --- So as an update so you know that I am getting closer to posting more pics. I decided to tell you all a couple things that are 100% decided and final. The inner Wall/walkway that seperates the bases is finished. Red Base <Basement> is finished 100%. Red Base <secret area that has not been seen> 50% complete. The percentages that say 100% complete, just means that if I were to boot up a game it would be playable. Even if there are still bumpy parts. However, some areas are not bumpy and I believe this being my first forge project everyone will be impressed with my up and coming amatuer map. --- Hey guys, just wanted to say sorry for not updating this before July 4th. It was my original intention but my mind wandered and I really needed a break from this map. I will be back at it when I am on my 4 days off from work. Until then keep your eyes peeled and Happy 4th of July!
Checked out this map a few minutes ago...really coming along nicely, looks like it'll play similar to Foundation from Halo 2, but with some interesting twists. Looking forward for it to be at the testing stage!
So there has been an update and perhaps not a good one unless someone is willing to help me. The most recent rendition of my map has disappeared or has been corrupted somehow and no longer pops up in my Halo 3 Sandbox map list. The last update does show up but that update is so far behind that it would take me forever to get it all back up to speed. Does anyone have a troubleshooting guide on how I can get this map back on my Sandbox map list or what could have happened to make it do this? I appreciate any help I can get!
insane could you throw it in your fileshare and then recommend it to me? I would really appreciate it! --- Well Everyone here is a big update for you! As you might be able to tell I have completed 1 base about 95%. I have started the second base and it is around 50% complete with all the hard parts finished. I have about 75% of the central area finished since you can now walk from base to base without hinderance all that is left is to add a couple structures as cover and asthetic purposes. A few ideas that I have implemented that I originally had not considered in my design are the tunnels that wrap around in the basement that idea is about 80% complete. The newest addition to my map is the big circle in front of the base. This allows for cover and a good line of sight to each area of the map! So tell me your opinions, likes and dislikes!