When I was watching a video on youtube of how to ghost merge, the guy in the video says that you should be using bumper jumper. What would be his reason behind this, and would it actually help?
There is no correlation between the game controls and forge controls, so not at all. Beleive me, ive experience with this. I personally use bumper jumper but my guest has normal controls and it works just fine.
When ghost merging first came out everyone was like WHOOOOOOA, drooling all over their controllers, and no one really knew a whole lot about it. There are about 20 different way to ghost merge, all of them doing the same thing, except some are more precise and longer than others. I watched a video with a guy who said that, maybe the same one, but it does not matter. People were just trying to sound smarter than they were, or in an odd sequence of events he believed only bumper jumper works.
Or maybe he ws just making it up. I can tell you that i know every method of ghost merging discovered on forgehub, because i managed the giagantic thread about it for like a month. There is no help that you get from using bumper jumper.
hey dark. i use bumper jumper and i have used boxer and regular controls settings. they dont affect the forge controls. d-pad up and x are they way i do it and they are the same on every setting. universal controls ftw
You can't change your "Edit/Monitor Mode" controls and that's the only thing that matters while ghost merging. Bumper Jumper does Nothing in regrades to Ghost merging.
I was thinking the wrong way round sorry, yeah your right it won't. I was thinking it was spartan into monitor but yeah it's the other way round.
The video was probably showing the up+A method, which if you fail would cause you to jump on default. On Bumper Jumper it would just cause you to swap grenades. If you're waiting to land from a jump before trying again, that extra time would add up after a while. Anyway, just use the up+X method. It's a lot like the up+A method but much easier. All you do is press up+X until you're a Spartan and you've got the object list visible. When you spawn something from there it is dummied immediately, you don't have to deal with that nonsense pushing things away from their dot.
I agree with Ladnil, the up +A method never really made sense to me and is wayyyyyyy harder to do than up +X. This is just my opinion of course, but if you were just starting to ghost merge, the X way would probably be much simpler to grasp hold of.
Yeah, I think what you said is right. I have noticed that when you use bumper jumper you never accidently jump. However I am stuck in my ways and will continue to use default controls =P. anyway, I find an accidental jump to be a more easily identifiable method of telling wether your dummy worked. Now that I think about it though, the 'up and X' method does sound more convenient, I think i'll have to give it try. Thanks for all the feedback guys =)