Do you have an enclosed map, with no roof? A friend and I are gonna help make your map break-proof. All that you have to do is give me a link to your map, and make sure your map is completely finished. Weapons and everything, as weapons may play a role in breaking your map. Please don't post a map with a roof or that's not enclosed. We've already broken Adelyss' new map, Dyad two ways. Why can't I just do this myself, you ask? We'll search up and down your map for breaks, and supply you with a video through our file share, so you can fix the breaks. Dyad Break [bungievid]113874709[/bungievid] If the video isn't working here is the link:
Yep. But sometimes it's unnecessary because some maps it's just too easy to break like Dyad. And by the way, is the embedded video working?