The Northern Temple Made by Enough Apples Attack and Deffend Played with Birlie the Flag Defenders Flag The Flag Spawns inside the Temple. Defenders Northern Temple Overview of the Temple Attackers When Attackers Spawn they can choose to teleport to the Frontline or Grab there Vehicles. Map: The Northern Temple Gametype: Birlie The Flag
It looks pretty good, I do think you could add some cover for the attackers so they won't get spawned killed if the defenders are smart
Umm, maybe you should download the map or at least take a close look at the pictures; the attackers spawn on the opposite side of the map. I think thats how he prevents spawn camping...
I said if the defenders were smart, jeez. Anyways, if you had some more memory / money maybe add some cover
Alright, here we go... Gameplay: You've got some rock solid gameplay on your hands sir. I personally like games that pit defenders against merciless attackers and this no exception. I felt that both sides were armored fairly well for what they had to do. Although I have to say having that many missile pods is kind of overkill. The banshees were my favorite as attackers; just fly right over and drop (mostly to my death, but still). Aesthetics: I'll start by saying that it's tough to make maps look really good on Avalanche. You don't get all that many usefull supplies and even then, they still don't look natural to the environment. That's what makes your base all the more impressive. You built it in a very interesting part of the map and it feels like it was a part of the mountain it was built off of. Weapons: Not much to say here, except that I think the missle pods are a bit unfair. Map Layout: Like I said previously, I love your base and where it's located. Now, about the attackers spawn area. It seems a bit far out, especially if you're trying to bring a wraith into the fight. Also the defenders spawn area should've been inside the base itself, instead of having to go through all of the teleporters. I also wish you would've utilized the giant man-cannon you built the base around. This would've added some strategy for the attackers. Grab the flag and hit the cannon! Overall: This is a ton of fun and should be playing more soon! 3/4
That won't prevent anything. Any good player knows that the best defense is a strong, unyielding offence. If the defending team manages to get their hands on those Banshees, game over.
Have you ever noticed that when you push too far forward in Battlefield Rush some smart enemy sneaks around and blows the objective. The same happens in Modern Warfare's demolition. The best defense is a good offence only in a few, sparse situations. Most of the time a killzone works better. On to the map The only thing that really worries me is that there only appears to be one entrance/exit. And that is in a crossfire from the sides of the base. Adding at least one more entrance, or at least expanding the existing one would give attackers a much better chance and encourage people to actually go in for the flag. Even if the defenders were being spawn killed by banshees the attackers would have trouble snagging the flag.
Sorry for making a comment without playing but a problem I see with this map is that there is no half way point for the attackers. Many one sided maps (High Ground for example) have a half way point for the attackers, which is the bunker. Yet your map is larger than High Ground with no half way point on the map, A place for the attackers to stage a decent attack and base infiltration. Maybe a small foward base for the attackers to be able to use to attack is needed instead of random rubble. But like I said, I haven't played it so I could be wrong but if you have tested it ( I hope you have anyways) maybe you saw this problem but didn't know a fix. Either way I hope my ramblings helped. I will be downloading and going on a forge through of the map to see if I can help further.
The basic design ideal seem interesing. I only notice a couple things. 1. It isn't the neatest thing I have ever seen but still decent even though there is a lack of merging 2. The bases seem too "stacked" with alot of powerful weapons and/or vechicles.