very...VERY sexy! It looks so complicated and confusing. From the overview, it looks like you need a little more cover around the tower made of tube pieces. Sign me up for testing!
This looks super-sick. It looks pretty unique. I was thinking "this looks pretty good" until I saw the overview and then I was like "wow, thats awesome."
I've never been keen on BT maps on sandbox simply because it either uses only the main section of the main tier which leads to every being overpacked and hectic (in terms of gameplay), or it uses the whole of the main tier including the dunes which means large parts of the area is left blank. However, the way you have set this up and split it into sections, makes it feel bigger than it actually is and I think this could play REALLY well
That looks great man. We hold 6v6 customs a couple times a week so let me know if you need help testing it, or if you want any advice.
Central area looks good enough to eat, and I love the diagonal layout. Am I right in thinking that Vehicles will have a hard time navigating the center area? This could shape up to be one hell of a BTB map.
I'll probably hit you up on those customs, although I might not be on until around Saturday. Anyways, thanks for the comments. I haven't been able to do much testing lately. So far the only thing I've done is remove the Prowler, since it is a lot harder to drive around in an actual game with people trying to kill you than it is in the peaceful land known as forge.
This map looks very promising. From the pictures it looks like there aren't too many long lines of sight but the map does seem a bit flat. If you are going to make any adjustments pre release maybe add some more height variation
For some reason, looking at it it makes me feel like I'm playing ODST because of the complex layout and catwalks. I like the overall urban feel. At the same time, it's not too crowded like the streets of Mombasa were in ODST, so driving vehicles should be easy. It looks like a promising map. Nice aesthetics too. Good job, can't wait to play it.
Okay, I didn't forget about this map, and I will release it. I'm just lazy. I've got 2 other forge projects I'm working on (well, one's a gametype actually). I'll try to get it released after the other 3 are released.
I played this a long time ago. It was very fun! You made the inside of the map thick enough so people on foot had a great time killing other people on foot. Also, the vehicles could still easily go through the middle because it was very straight and easy-to-understand. I think there was a small problem with the vehicles, however. If you went around the map in a vehicle in Capture the Flag, it was very easy to make it back to base. I'm not sure how bad this was, but maybe you could add a laser to the map. Anyways, I like this map a lot.
But, but but, I did have a laser. Its been there the while time, I'm tellin ya! /Old movie voice with English accent