YouTube- MPN vs. xGKx TDM This is a clan match between my gaming community, MPN, and another one called xGKx. This was taken awhile ago, but I was in the video so I like it! (I am not the one recording it either. That is my Media Director recording it and the one you see playing)
Personally, I find competitive Team Deathmatch to be very boring because of the amount of camping that goes on. Objective gametypes are usually more entertaining to watch (especially if the person filming is playing a support/objective role.) Also, killstreak rewards, claymores, and shotguns don't really showcase player skill considering how easy all of them are to use. Especially when players are using Care Packages. The gameplay in general wasn't bad, it was just a little boring and not the best display of skill I've seen. It also doesn't help that the other team didn't seem to be all that great.
It was just a challenge by the other was fun participating in it and I just wanted people to know that MPN is out in a game near you!
Just waht I was gonna say, but I had to go downstairs to get me pizza :'(. Also, just like others have said, the video is boring.
Does it say ADVERTISING FOR MPN anywhere? Or Funded by MPN? Or maybe Join MPN? Don't think no it's not an advertisement.
I don't think it's an advertisement really. These guys are also way better than I could hope to be in MW2 ;D
You are right. Their is zero advertising in that video, it's just a clan match that he felt like sharing
By the comment I made earlier, I meant...That we are on xbox live. I did not mean to lead on for people to join. I just meant watch your game lobbies because there are a lot of people in MPN and we are always playing in teams. There was no need to cause drama on a gaming forum page.
That's not saying much, considering your skill in MW2. These guys blow. Vid was boring, I was paying more attention to Judge Mathis than this.
Get a team of 4 together tonight and send me a friend request. The only thing you'll be blowing after that is me.
Wow badkid doesnt even know how to check a date on a video. It was like 2 months ago. Just say that again once i slap you kid. GG --- Video may be boring but i was doing recording testing, this was a couple of days after i got my PVR. Not really meant to be super exciting kid. --- Considering your skills in life... You blow. This video was recorded 2 months ago and i wasnt even trying. xGKx were a bunch of bad kids. I have a game of search on my computer if you want to watch me go 9-1 and 4-0 them..... That is a decent search game i get nowadays. When im actually trying, i get amazing scores. I hate playing tdm thats why this video is boring. Because tdm is boring. Your probably one of the kids that sits and camps in the corner with a baby monitor. My best search and destroy score is 24-3. If you want to know my 1v1 quickscopes record. I havnt lost one that i have played. I am laughing that your a fanboy of str8 rippin, Such originality in str8 loln.